Revised: September 2016
Leave of Absences from Graduate Programs
Policies and Procedures
Students who, due to exceptional personal circumstances, are prevented from actively pursuing their course of study and
research within the normal period of their Graduate Program may apply for a Leave of Absence during the course of their
absence. If granted, students must pay the associated fees for each semester during the course of their absence.
The maximum leave period provided under this policy is twelve (12) months. The period for which a graduate student is
granted a leave does not count towards the students time-for-completion of their program (i.e. the clock is “stopped”,
while the student is on leave). At the end of the period of approved Leave of Absence the student must reactivate their
program by completing the application form for “Visiting, Upgrading and Reactivation Students” available on the FGSR
web site. Reactivation of a program requires approval from the Program and the Dean of the FGSR. If a student is
receiving funding from the University in support of their graduate program at the time she/he takes a Leave of Absence,
she/he is not guaranteed to receive the funding upon reactivation of her/his program.
For more information on leaves see Academic Regulation 21 in the Graduate Academic Calendar
Procedure for students:
To apply for a Leave of Absence the:
1. student must document in a letter to the appropriate Program Coordinator the reasons they require a leave of
2. student must complete the “Application for Leave of Absence from Graduate Program” available on the FGSR
3. student must send the “Application for Leave of Absence from Graduate Program” form and letter to the Research
Supervisor and Program Coordinator for approval
4. Research Supervisor and Program Coordinator must complete the University Approvals section of the
“Application for Leave of Absence from Graduate Program” form
5. Program Coordinator must forward the letter and completed “Application for Leave of Absence from Graduate
Program” form to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) for decision
6. Dean of the FGSR makes final decision about the request and provides written documentation to the student
Students who have been granted a leave of absence should note that they must:
1. Pay the appropriate fees for each semester they remain in this status
2. Reactivate their program at the end of the of their approved Leave of Absence period by completing the
application form for “Visiting, Upgrading and Reactivation Students” available on the FGSR web site.
In all cases the Dean of the FGSR reserves the right to approve or deny any application for Leave of Absence. The
decision of the Dean of the FGSR is final.