If your request is for information concerning an organization, business, investigation, historical
event or incident you may submit your request in person, by US Mail or fax.
If your request is for information about a third party, you MUST submit his/her notarized
authorization or you may use the Privacy Waiver and Certification of Identity Form. Provide the
complete name, date and place of birth, social security number and any other identifying data
that will help locate the information concerning the subject of your request.
If your request is for information concerning a deceased individual you must provide his/her
proof of death in the form of obituary or Social Security index page. You should also provide
his/her complete name, date and place of birth, social security number and any other
identifying data that will help locate the information.
Complete the FOIA Request Form to include your complete name, mailing address and phone
number. It may then be delivered to the Ridgeland Police Department by mail at PO Box 1719
Ridgeland, SC 29936, by fax at 843-726-7524 or in person at 11323 North Jacob Smart
Boulevard in Ridgeland SC.
There may be a charge for reports depending on the extent of research required unless you are
the listed victim in said report.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
*Your Street Address, (No PO Boxes):
*Your City, State & Zip Code:
*Today’s Date:
Ridgeland Police Department
11323 North Jacob Smart Boulevard
Ridgeland, SC 29936