Employee’s Initials - _____ Employer’s initials - ______
employment (“Trial Period”). In addition, the Employee will not be eligible vacation time, sick
leave, or any time off that would be paid or unpaid.
IX. Vacation Time. After the Trial Period is complete, the Employee is entitled to ___ days off
per year of which is required to be mutually benefiting of the Employer and the Employee. It is
required for the Employee to give notice before scheduling their vacation in accordance with
Company policy.
Any unused Vacation Time shall be (check one):
☐ - Converted to cash at the end of the year at a rate of $___ per day.
☐ - Eligible to rollover up to ___ days to the next year.
☐ - Forfeited at the end of the year.
☐ - Other: _____________________________________________________.
X. Personal Leave. After the Trial Period, the Employee shall be eligible for ___ days of ☐ paid
☐ unpaid time off per year for personal and/or medical issues.
Any unused Personal Leave shall be: (check one)
☐ - Converted to cash at the end of the year at a rate of $___ per day.
☐ - Eligible to rollover up to ___ days to the next year.
☐ - Forfeited at the end of the year.
☐ - Other: _____________________________________________________.
If for any reason the Employee depletes their amount of days of personal leave in a given year,
he or she ☐ may ☐ may not be able to use any remaining vacation time.
XI. Federal Holidays. The Employee shall be entitled to ___ federal holidays per calendar year.
This is subject to change by the Employer from time to time. If for any reason the Employee
should request a Federal Holiday off, the Employer shall determine if the Employee may do so
and if it shall be taken from either the Employee’s Personal Leave or Vacation Time. Federal
Holidays are determined by the Employer and may change every calendar year.
XII. Confidentiality. The Employee understands and agrees to keep any and all information
confidential regarding the business plans, inventions, designs, products, services, processes,
trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, customer information, customer lists, prices, analytics
data, costs, affairs, and any other information that could be considered proprietary to the
Employer (“Confidential Information”). The Employee understands that disclosure of any such
Confidential Information, either directly or indirectly, shall result in litigation with the Employer
eligible for equitable relief to the furthest extent of the law, including but not limited to, filing
claims for losses and/or damages. In addition, if it is found that the Employee divulged
Confidential Information to a third (3
) party with the Employer shall be entitled any and all
reimbursement for their legal and attorney’s fees.
a.) Post Termination. After the Employee has terminated their employment with the
Employer, the Employee shall be bound to Section XII of this Agreement for a period of
____ ☐ Months ☐ Years (“Confidentiality Term”). If the Confidentiality Term is beyond