advanced insurance planning
1788(2020/06/30) Page 3 of 4
Fact finding questionnaire continued
5. Have the business owner(s) and spouse(s) used some or all of their capital gains exemption? Yes No
If yes, how much? $
6. On a scale of 1 to 5, (with 1 low and 5 high) how would you rate:
Present performance of the business 1 2 3 4 5
Expectation for future performance of the business 1 2 3 4 5
7. What annual percentage growth is projected for the next 10 years? %
8. How long does the business owner intend to keep the business? years
9. What will happen to the business when the business owner retires?
Don’t plan to retire Family member will take it over
Sell it to a third party Don’t know
10. Does the business owner have a business succession plan in place? Yes No
11. Is this a family run business? Yes No
If yes, does the business owner have a Will in place indicating who receives the business Yes No
or company shares at death? If yes, please provide a copy.
If the business or shares are left to the spouse, who gets the business or shares when that
spouse dies?
Are there any children who are involved in the business? Yes No
If yes, are they shareholders? Yes No
Are there any children who are not involved in the business? Yes No
If yes, do they plan to become involved at some point in the future? Yes No
If no, does the Will outline how they will receive a share of the value of the business? Yes No
12. Does the corporation/partnership have multiple shareholders/partners? Yes No
If yes, is there a buy-sell agreement/partnership agreement in place? If yes, please provide a copy. Yes No
(In the event that one of the shareholders/partners wants to leave the business, becomes sick or disabled and is unable
to continue working, or one of the shareholders/partners dies.)
If yes, is the buy-sell/partnership agreement funded with life or critical illness insurance? Yes No
13. Will the spouse and/or family have a source of income when the business owner dies? Yes No
14. Will the spouse and/or family have a source of income when the business owner becomes Yes No
disabled or critically ill?
15. Are there any people who are key to the operation of the business? Yes No
If yes, complete the following:
Name of key person
What financial impact would the loss of that
key person have on the business?