end of the current term, the minimum requirements to be named the instructor of record for core-
level courses in the Department of ___________________ beginning _____________________.
Major Department( )
(Semester, Year)
member. (This may be waived under certain circumstances. For example, high school teaching
experience in the field.)
faculty member in so far as he/she is responsible for the classes assigned in the program.
The above named student agrees to meet any and all expectations and requirements of a regular
___________________________________________ ______________________________
(Student's Signature)
___________________________________________ ______________________________
This is to certify that ____________________________________ has met, or will meet by the
Student's name & ID Number( )
The student has or will have:
met the SACS requirement of having completed 18 graduate hours in the field*
received pedagogical instruction in the field through one or more courses and/or
experience as a graduate assistant in a course(s) under the supervision of a full-time faculty
This completed form must be submitted to the Graduate Studies Associate (GSA) in the Dean's office of the
respective college before
the GTA is assigned any classes for the following term. The GSA will then forward
a copy to the Provost’s office. This form should be completed only once for each student, and is considered
an agreement that governs all subsequent terms.
The program director and department chair ensure that the GTA will be properly supervised and mentored
during the period of the assignments.
(Chair's Signature)
Verification of Qualifications-Graduate Teaching Assistants
___________________________________________ ______________________________
(Program Director's Signature)
*The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) has established minimum qualifications for faculty.
This form documents that Graduate Teaching Assistants being appointed to The University of West Georgia
meet these standards. [Please see Faculty Credentials and Guidelines, Comprehensive Standards 3.7.1 of
the Principles of Accreditation, Approved: College Delegate Assembly, December 2006-
http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/081705/faculty%20credentials.pdf, and the SACS 18 Hour Rule flow chart-
http://graduate.ua.edu/admin/policy/20060501/schedule06.pdf ].
Revised 10/28/2011
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