Instructions for completing this form:
Please complete this form electronically and include your email address for any
future correspondence. If this is not possible then hand written copies should
be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS. Please return the completed form to the
email or postal address listed at the end.
The SHLAA identifies the future supply of land which is suitable, available and
achievable for housing development. The joint draft SHLAA methodology sets
out the proposed methodology and technical details to be applied by the
respective councils.
To make sure we can address your views as fully as possible, please specify
any paragraph or section numbers that your comments relate to. Please give
reasons for any suggestions and provide appropriate justification and/ or
evidence with any response.
Please note we will not automatically respond to individual submitted responses
The deadline for consultation responses on the Draft SHLAA Methodology
is 5pm on the 4
November 2015
Newcastle-under-Lyme &
Strategic Housing land Availability
Joint Methodology Consultation
October 2015
SHLAA Methodology
Response Form and Market
Knowledge Questionnaire
Personal data will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
(where relevant)