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2. Educating residents and neighborhood groups so they can better understand causes
of traffic problems, potential solutions to these problems and the advantages and
disadvantages of implementing different solutions.
3. Installing specific regulatory, warning, or guide signs and other traffic control devices.
Traffic-calming Devices are effective for safely reducing vehicle speeds on certain types of
streets. In order for traffic-calming-device installations to be effective, they should be
located selectively in accordance with defined transportation engineering criteria. Proper
installation will also minimize driver frustration and encourage safe driving practices. The
County maintains a technical reference of appropriate devices that satisfy engineering and
safety criteria such as the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), 2001 and
Traffic-calming, State of the Practice, ITE, 1999. Examples of traffic-calming devices based
on design guidelines and recommendations contained in these documents are included in
this document for immediate reference.
All proposed traffic-calming-device applications will be subject to consultative review by
Bernalillo County Fire Department and the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office prior to
implementation. Special consideration and/or exclusions may be granted based on
accessibility issues such as whether the candidate roadway is designated as a critical
response route.
This policy is intended for individual roadway facilities. Traffic-calming devices
recommended as part of a system-level analysis to address traffic flow and control for a
particular area of the County will not be subject to the provisions of this policy.
The County of Bernalillo reserves the rights to install, remove, or alter any traffic-calming
device for health, welfare, and safety of the public. The process for traffic-calming device
removal or alteration by residents is the same as the process for installation.
If a location fails to meet any of the following criteria, the placement of speed humps should
not be recommended:
1. The functional classification of the roadway is a local, major local street, or collector*.
2. Average weekday daily traffic (AWDT) volumes on the roadway segment are greater
than 700 vehicles per day (vpd) and less than 3,000 vpd.
3. The posted speed limit of the roadway segment is 30 miles per hour (mph) or less.
4. The 85
percentile speed measured on the roadway segment exceeds the posted
speed limit by 10 mph or more. This criterion may be waived for dead-end streets.
5. The roadway segment is fronted by primarily (more than 50 percent) residential land
* Collector Streets eligible as per the “exceptions rule” identified below