7. The minor child(ren) is (are) suitable for adoption by Petitioner.
1. The minor child(ren) subject to the Petition is (are) declared to be the legal child(ren) of
Petitioner,_______________________________________________________ {name}
2. The minor child(ren) shall be the child(ren) and legal heir(s) at law of Petitioner,
_______________________________________________________________, {name}
and shall be entitled to all rights and privileges, and subject to all obligations, of
child(ren) born of Petitioner.
3. All legal relations between the adoptee(s) and the parent whose rights are being terminated and
between the adoptee(s) and the relatives of that parent are terminated by this adoption, as are
all parental rights and responsibilities of that birth parent.
4. This Final Judgment of Adoption creates a relationship between the adoptee(s) and Petitioner
and all relatives of Petitioner that would have existed if the adoptee(s) was (were) a blood
descendant of the Petitioner, born within wedlock, entitled to all rights and privileges thereof,
and subject to all obligations of a child being born to Petitioner.
5. The minor child(ren) shall hereafter be known as {full legal name(s)}:
DONE AND ORDERED at _____________________________, Florida on ___________________.
I certify that a copy of {name of document(s)} ____________________________________________was
( ) mailed ( ) faxed and mailed ( ) e-mailed ( ) hand-delivered to the parties and any persons
or entities listed below on {date} _________________________________.
By: Clerk of Court, Designee, or Judicial Assistant
Petitioners (or their attorney)
Other: ____________________________
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.981(b)(2), Final Judgment of Stepparent Adoption