It’s the Law
FERPA (Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act), also known as the
Buckley Amendment, was passed
by Congress in 1974. It grants four
specific rights to post-secondary
To see the information that the
institution is keeping on the
To seek amendment to those
records and in certain cases
append a statement to the
To consent to disclosure of
his/her records
To file a complaint with the
FERPA Office in Washington
FERPA applies to all educational
agencies or institutions, including
Klamath Community College that
receive funds under any program
administered by the Secretary of
FERPA governs what may be
released, but does not require that
any information be released.
Student Educational Records include
information provided by a student for
use in the educational process such as
the following:
Personal information (name, etc.)
Enrollment records
Student’s exams or papers
Storage Media for educational record
may vary and can include one or more
of the following:
Document in the Student Services
Electronic document or e-mail
Computer printout in your office
Class list on your desktop
Computer display screen
Notes taken during an advising
Klamath Community College
Directory/Public Information and KCC
Directory Information
“directory information is …information
contained in an education record of a
student which would not generally be
considered harmful or an invasion of
privacy if disclosed.” (FERPA
Regulations, Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 34, Part 99.3)
Directory Information is considered
public and may be released upon
request. However, the student may opt
to keep this information confidential.
Director Information at KCC
Student’s first and last name
Current mailing address
Email address
Date and place of birth
Major field of study
Current grade level
Date of attendance at KCC
KCC degree(s) and Award(s) received
Participation in officially recognized
Most recent previous educational
institutions attended
Information not included in the list
above is defined as confidential student
information and may not be released.
Please note that student ID pictures are
confidential information and therefore
may not be released.
Directory Information can never
Social security number
Student identification number
It’s Your Responsibility
As a faculty or staff member, you have a legal responsibility under FERPA to protect
the confidentially of student educational records in your possessions.
You have access to student information only for legitimate use in the completion of
your responsibilities as a college employee. Need to know is the basic principle.
Student educational records (other than directory information) are considered
confidential and may not be released without written consent of the student.
Student information stored in electronic format must be secure and available only to
those entitled to access that information.
Your access to student information, including directory information, is based on your
faculty or staff role within the college. You may not release lists or files with student
information to any third party outside your college or departmental unit.
If you’re in doubt about a request for student information, contact the Registrar at
Student Information Types
Print Name
Can Student director or public information always be released?
NO! Before releasing any information check for a “NO INFORMATION RELEASE” restriction or other restriction on release
of specific types of information. If the student has requested that directory information be withheld, no information can
be released. If the student does not have a restriction on the release of directory information, directory information may
be released. College faculty and staff who have a need to know may obtain directory information for a student with a no
information release restriction, but must not release this information to anyone. At this time, the college has no identifier
on the student screen or on your roster to notify you who is a restricted student. Your safest choice is not to release
information and direct the inquiring party to Student Affairs.
How can a student withhold release of directory information?
Student may require that directory information be withheld by notifying the Student Affairs office. A student who wants
to withhold release of directory information should submit a Directory Information Withholding Request to the Student
Affairs office each term.
What are parental rights under FERPA?
FERPA allows parental access to student’s educational records if the student requests that academic information be
released to the parent(s). A student who wants to release grades to parent(s) should submit a Consent for Release of
Information form to the Student Affairs office once per academic year.
A parent who wants to request grades or other academic information for a dependent student should contact the KCC
Registrar at 541-880-2320. Generally, FERPA does not allow parental access to post-secondary student educational
records without permission of the student.
What must I do if I receive a subpoena concerning student educational records?
Any incoming subpoena should be sent immediately to M. Shabbir, Registrar. The Registrar will determine whether and
how to comply with the subpoena, and will also determine whether student notification of compliance with the
subpoena is required.
For more information…
Contact M. Shabbir, Registrar, at 541-880-2320.
Use the Social Security Number or KCC student ID number of a student in a public posting of grades or any other
Link the name of a student with the student’s social security number or KCC student ID number in any public
Leave graded tests, papers, or other student materials for students to pick up in a stack that requires sorting
through the papers of all students.
Circulate a printed class list with student name and social security number or grades as an attendance roster.
Discuss the progress of any student with anyone other than the student (including parents) without the consent
of the student.
Provide anyone with lists or files of students enrolled in your classes for any commercial purpose.
Provide anyone with student schedules or assist anyone other than college employees in finding a student on
Access the records of any student for personal reasons.
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