General Informaon
The Family Educaonal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) deals specically with the educaon records of students,
aording them certain rights with respect to those records. For purposes of denion, educaon records are
those records which are
1) directly related to a student and
2) maintained by an instuon or a party acng for the instuon.
FERPA gives students who reach the age of 18, or who aend a postsecondary instuon, the right to inspect
and review their own educaon records. Furthermore, students have other rights including the right to request
amendment of records and to have some control over the disclosure of personally idenable informaon
from these records.
FERPA applies to all educaonal agencies and instuons that receive funding under most programs
administered by the Secretary of Educaon (34 C.F.R. 99.1). Almost all postsecondary instuons, both public
and private, generally receive such funding and must, therefore, comply with FERPA.
Under FERPA, students are given three primary rights. They have the right to: inspect and review their
educaon records; have some control over the disclosure of informaon from their educaon records; and
seek to amend incorrect educaon records.
Elecng FERPA Condenality
The university may release certain directory informaon to the public on a roune basis unless a student
requests, in wring, that the university not release it. Requests for non-disclosure remain in eect unl a
subsequent wrien request to release directory informaon is received.
Students who request non-disclosure of directory informaon
* Will not have name printed in the published university chancellor’s and dean’s lists or
commencement program.
* Will not have aendance and/or degree veried for employers, insurance companies, etc.
* Will only be able to discuss their UA Accounts in person with photo ID.
If you choose to elect the “condenality” opon for your educaonal records, informaon for you will
be withheld from a variety of sources, including: you - the student. This also includes friends, relaves,
prospecve employers, and the news media. Each student is advised to carefully consider the consequences
of a decision to elect “condenality”. Once elected the University cannot acknowledge the existence of, or
release informaon about, the record of any student who has elected condenality. (You can change this
elecon at any me -- see How to Elect FERPA Condenality at UAOnline.) No informaon or services will be
available to you via telephone if you have elected the condenality opon. Your only opons for conducng
business transacons with the University would be in person, aer presenng a valid photo ID, or through
secure login on UA systems.