10/6/2020 City of Chamblee Development Department
5576 Peachtree Rd, Ste 102 • Chamblee, GA 30341 • 770-986-5010 • chambleega.gov
PART 2: Fences in interior side and rear yards:
Rear yard: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot
with a principal building, extending across lots between
side lot lines and between the rear wall or walls of the
principal structure and the rear lot line. On corner lots,
the space that is between the side of the house and the
street side lot line is not considered to be part of the rear
yard. On a pie shaped lot, the rear yard extends in an arc
equal to the required rear yard setback from a point
where the two side lot lines meet.
Side yard: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot
with a principal building, extending between the building
and the side lot line and extending from the rear line of
the front yard to the front line of the rear yard.
Maximum Height: Fences shall not exceed eight feet in height
Materials: If a fence is constructed of chain link or other metal fencing, fence shall be vinyl, powder-coated, or
PART 3: Fences and retaining walls combined:
Fences erected within five feet of the top of a retaining wall must comply with the following regulations:
Fences and retaining walls combined that are erected within
ten feet of a public sidewalk
Maximum Height:
1. Shall not exceed two feet in height for the wall and four
feet in height for the fence.
1. Fences in the front or street yard shall not be made of
wire, woven metal, or chain link, unless located on
property of an agricultural or industrial, use.
2. All other fences shall be ornamental or decorative fences constructed of brick, stone, stucco, split rail,
wood, aluminum, or wrought iron.
3. The fence shall be a minimum of 50 percent transparent to reduce the appearance of an opaque
structure along the sidewalk.
4. Exposed block, tires, junk or other discarded material shall be prohibited fence materials.
5. Retaining walls shall be constructed of decorative concrete modular block or shall be faced with stone
or brick or textured cement masonry.