Giving Societies
Council Oak Leadership Society 1924 Loyalty Society
Member: Annual gift $1,000 or more Member: Three or more
($38.47 for 26 pay periods) consecutive annual gifts
Name: ID:
Dept.: Ext. #: _______________________
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
I would like to make a gift through payroll deduction: Complete this form electronically and
email it to Shiellee Adams at sadams5@naz.edu (see reverse side for frequently asked questions about payroll deduction)
Option 1: I would like to make an ongoing OPEN-ENDED pledge.
I authorize Nazareth to deduct $_____________ per pay period (min. $5).
Option 2: I would like to make a ONE-YEAR pledge of : $_______________
I authorize Nazareth to deduct $_____________ per pay period
(x 26 pay periods- min.$5)
Option 3: I would like to make a ONE-TIME gift of $ ________________ to Nazareth College.
To make a gift by check: Mail this completed form to:
Nazareth College Office of Development 4245 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14618
To make a gift by credit card: Visit our secure giving page at giving.naz.edu to make a one-time gift or to set up a recurring
gift schedule.
Please designate my gift to:
The Nazareth Fund The College’s highest priorities
Student Financial Aid Keeps a Nazareth education accessible and affordable
Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Supports diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across campus
Student Life Supports the undergraduate experience
President’s Fund for Emerging Needs Provides the president with access to
resources to support new initiatives and promote our mission
SPARK Grants Supports experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate
students such as research, study abroad, and internships
Global Engagement Enable international learning & research experiences to enrich
students’ lives with global and cultural awareness
Other: __________________________________________________________
(you may split your gift, if you choose)
My spouse works for a matching gift company (Please send in the necessary forms to ensure a match)
~~ Thank you for your commitment to Nazareth College! ~~
Payroll Deduction Information
When you choose to give through payroll deduction, your contributions each
pay period amount to a significant impact!
ctions can be changed or terminated at any time.
To change or end your deduction, please send a written notification to the Development Office.
Deductions for the year will begin in January and end in December
, unless otherwise specified.
Deductions will commence withi
n two weeks after your pledge has been processed, if received
after January 1
Additional Giving Options:
I would like to speak to a Nazareth representative about:
Making a gift of stock or appropriate assets
Establishing an
endowed scholarship
Naming Nazareth as a beneficiary in my/our will
Creating a gift annuity
I have included Nazaret
h in my will or planned gift.
payroll pledges will be calculated on the basis of a calendar year.
All bi-weekly payments will be acknowledged with an annual receipt in January of the following year.
Due to the complexities of payroll deduction processing and the amount of personnel involved,
the minimum payroll deduction, per pay period, is $5.00.