5. It is the responsibility of the renter to remove all decorations, trash, food, or other remaining
material from all areas upon the conclusion of the event. All debris must be disposed of
according to the directions of the facility monitor.
6. The use of glue, permanent adhesive, nails, wood, staples, and tacks on any windows,
ceiling, podiums, lights, walls, flooring, or door frames is not permitted. Only masking tape,
scotch tape, and reusable adhesive (i.e., sticky tack), that will not stain or cause damage to
surfaces is permitted for hanging decorations. These must be removed immediately after the
event. The College is not responsible for any items left in the facility.
7. Partners of the College are defined as industry and public service groups that have
demonstrated a long-term commitment of resources to the College and are not subject to the
$100 deposit fee.
8. Employees are not subject to applicable rental fees when reserving a facility for personal,
non-profit/private party use provided they agree to serve as the facility monitor after normal
college hours. The standard fee structure applies to all other rentals. Employee rentals are
subject to the $100 deposit fee as well as the $50 civic center kitchen use fee.
9. Additionally, rentals requiring the services of the maintenance department (i.e. special room
arrangements or use of furniture/equipment not housed within the rented area) are subject to
a $25 per hour fee. Any request to personally move furniture or equipment not housed
within the rented area must be approved by the Vice Chancellor of Facilities.
10. All requests for an organization to host training on campus will be sent to the Director of
Public Services and Workforce Development for processing.
11. “UA Cossatot” is to be referenced as the location of an event when advertising to the public
and not as an endorsement of the event unless the College has entered into a sponsorship
agreement with the event host.
12. Facility reservations are automatically canceled when the college closes due to inclement
weather conditions or emergency situations.
13. No space owned or controlled by UA Cossatot may be used without the presence of a UA
Cossatot staff member(s) acting as a facility monitor.
UA Cossatot facilities are not to be used to facilitate or promote political activities in support of a
specific political action, person, or issue; promote a particular religion or philosophy of life; or
promote the degradation of any group of persons. However, elected officials are welcome to use
College facilities for the purpose of fulfilling their public duties, including public meetings. UA
Cossatot facilities are considered state buildings and fall under the purview of state statutes governing
their use and treatment.
UA Cossatot does not practice or in any way support the practice of discrimination against a person
or group of persons based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability and does not
allow its facilities to be used to support such discrimination.