Facility Rental Applications must be received a minimum of 10 business days prior to the rental date.
through the Facility Rental Guidelines & Regulations prior to completing this form.
Name of Applicant_____________________________________________________________________________
Organization (if applicable)______________________________________________________________________
Resident Non-resident □ For-profit □ Non-profit Tax ID Number_____________________________
Phone Number____________________________________ Email Address_________________________________
Alternate Contact__________________________________ Phone Number________________________________
Spaces Requested
Lobby Classroom A Kitchen
Main Hall Classroom B Dressing Room
Event Name (if applicable)________________________________________________________________________
Reservation Date_________________________________________ Estimated Number of Attendees____________
Setup Begins_____________ Event Starts_____________ Event Ends_____________ Cleanup Ends_____________
Please see guidelines for cleanup requirements.
If you are requesting to rent spaces for multiple dates and times, please attach a full schedule.
Event Description_______________________________________________________________________________
Will your event be open to the public? Yes No
Will you be charging for admission? Yes No if yes, ticket prices? ____________________
Will your event include any of the following:
Please see guidelines for insurance requirements.
Food Catering Company________________________________________________
Alcohol Alcohol Caterer__________________________________________________
DJ Music Company__________________________________________________
Live Music Band Name______________________________________________________
Equipment Requested:
Basic Lights and Sound
Controlled by the Renter from the main floor
Special Lights and Sound Controlled from the sound booth
Screen & Projector
Main Hall Only. Screen size:
Theater Seating
Seats 389
Chairs 200 available Count:____________
Banquet Tables 30 available, 8 person capacity, 66 rounds Count:____________
□ 6 Foot Rectangular Tables
8 available Count:____________
4 handhelds and 2 lapel mics available Count:____________
Other Special Elements and/or Requests:
I understand that this application in no way constitutes approval. I have read through the Sherwood Center for
the Arts Facility Rental Guidelines & Regulations. I understand that City staff will contact me to notify me of any
further requirements for my facility rental.
___________________________________________________ _______________________
Signature Date
Step 1: Fill out application and submit to the Center for the Arts:
email to: sherwoodcenterforthearts@sherwoodoregon.gov,
mail to: 22689 SW Pine Street, Sherwood, OR 97140
or drop it off in person
Step 2: After approval, submit deposit and signed contract to secure date
Step 3: Submit required paperwork as necessary Certificates of Insurance, floor plan diagrams, proof of non-
profit status, and schedule (for rentals with multiple dates)
Step 4: 30 days prior to event, Submit final payment
Step 5: Have a great Event!
click to sign
click to edit
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1. All Sherwood Center for the Arts facility rentals must be pre-approved by City of Sherwood staff. A
Facility Use Contract will be issued upon review and approval of a submitted Facility Rental
Application. Facility Use Contracts may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the Sherwood
Center for the Arts Manager, for violation of any of the following rules and regulations.
2. The Facility Rental Application must be completed and signed by an adult, age 21 and over, who will
attend, supervise, and be responsible for the entire rental period. Proof of residency or non-profit
status is required at the time of application in order to receive the resident or non-profit rate.
3. Facility Use Contracts are non-transferrable. Sub-letting of rented space is prohibited.
4. Facility Rental Applications will be accepted up to 3 months in advance for classroom rentals, and
up to 18 months in advance for lobby and auditorium rentals. Applications must be received at
least 10 business days prior to the requested rental date.
5. All promotional materials such as posters, newspaper ads, and other printed materials that
mention the Sherwood Center for the Arts must incorporate the center’s entire logo. The Sherwood
Center for the Arts reserves the right to request final approval of all promotional materials for
public events occurring in the facility.
6. Storage space is not provided for facility renters.
7. Any intended use of outside vendors must be disclosed in the application and, if permitted, shall
comply with insurance procedures as required by the City of Sherwood.
8. The posted occupancy of City facilities shall not be exceeded at any time.
9. Smoking is prohibited in all City facilities, including restrooms, and within 25 feet of all entrances.
10. Only certified, on-duty service animals are allowed in the facility.
11. Exits must remain unobstructed at all times in order to provide safe egress in the event of a fire or
emergency. Do not block staircases, ramps, doors, or any other designated areas of egress.
1. City staff will be assigned as building monitors for all facility rentals and shall have complete
authority over the facility, equipment, participants, and activities that take place in the facility. City
staff has the authority to request changes in activities or cessation of activities during the rental
2. The applicant must be present during the entire rental period and must be available to review both
a pre-rental and post-rental checklist with City staff. The only exception to this rule is when an
honoree (i.e. bride and groom) is the applicant. In this case, the applicant must designate another
attendee to review these checklists with City staff.
3. For all facility rentals involving youth ages 17 years and under, there shall be at least one adult for
every 20 minors, who shall remain in the facility for the duration of the activity.
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4. Minors must remain in the rented facility room and shall not be allowed to roam unattended.
1. Setup, breakdown, and cleaning must be done within the contracted rental period.
2. A set up diagram is due no less than ten working days prior to the rental period.
3. The moving of any art, gallery installations, equipment, or non-rental furniture is strictly prohibited.
Any violations may result in the forfeit of the rental deposit.
4. Nails, staples, tacks, and strong adhesive tape may NOT be used on any surface in the facility. Any
damage resulting from the use of these products will result in the renter being charged fees to cover
the damage.
5. No flammable materials, such as candles, are allowed in the facility.
6. No excessively messy products, such as silly string, bubbles, rice, or birdseed are to be used within
the building or outside the facility.
7. Banners, or other large signage, may not be attached to the outside of the building. A-frame
(sandwich board) signs are recommended. City staff reserves the right to request final approval of
all promotional materials for events occurring in the facility.
8. The City offers equipment and supplies available to rent, along with your facility rental. A fee will be
charged for the use of the City’s equipment based on the City’s current fee schedule.
9. City staff is not permitted to move any equipment or furnishings supplied by the applicant.
10. Due to limited space, storage of outside rental equipment will not be permitted.
1. Renter agrees to return all rented spaces to their initial condition by the end of the rental period. A
comprehensive cleaning checklist will be provided to the renter to ensure no areas are overlooked.
If the facility requires additional janitorial service after the rental, including vacuuming, mopping,
cleaning of furniture, or garbage removal, renter agrees to pay the cost of the additional services.
2. The City of Sherwood provides a limited amount of trash receptacles per room. Renters are
responsible for providing any additional garbage and recycling receptacles to accommodate the
needs of their event. After their event, renters are responsible for moving all garbage and recycling
to the outside dumpster.
3. Food, beverages, or any other items left in the facility after the rental period will be disposed of.
1. The service or consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be in compliance with all applicable laws,
including OLCC regulations. Any organization using City facilities shall be solely responsible for
obtaining all permits or licenses relating to the distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages
on the premises.
2. Alcohol must be served by a licensed OLCC server.
3. Service and consumption of alcoholic beverages is restricted to the approved rented areas.
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4. Alcohol may only be served and consumed by adults 21 years of age or older. If evidence is found
that alcohol is being served without prior authorization by the City of Sherwood, or to a minor, the
Police will be notified and the event will be terminated and all fees and deposits will be forfeited.
5. Alcohol is not allowed when an event is designated for minors, such as school age award programs,
birthday parties, and/or receptions.
6. The City shall require the applicant to carry general liability insurance of $2,000,000 when alcohol is
available, but not sold and name the City of Sherwood as an additional named insured. The City shall
require a full liquor liability premium policy, in addition to general liability insurance of $2,000,000
and name the City of Sherwood as an additional named insured, when alcohol is sold in exchange for
money. The facility renter is responsible for the full cost of the required liability insurance and will
be required to show proof of coverage.
1. The renter agrees to assume all liability for losses, expenses, damages, demands, or claims in
connection with, or arising out of, any injury or damage sustained, or alleged to have been
sustained, by any person, corporation, firm, or company; or any damage, or alleged damage, to
property in connection with the occupancy, maintenance, or use of all, or any part of, the rented
facility by the City of Sherwood’s agents, officers, employees, associates, friends, or acquaintances.
Renters shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Sherwood, including agents, employees, and
volunteers from any and all such losses, expenses, damages, demands, and claims; shall defend any
suits or actions brought against any of them, based on any such alleged injury or damage; and shall
pay all damages, costs, and demands, including attorney fees, in connection therewith, or resulting
there from.
2. Applicants acknowledge that the City of Sherwood does not assume any liability for any injury, loss,
or damage of personal property. The City of Sherwood requires the renter to furnish a Certificate of
Insurance, naming the City of Sherwood as additionally insured. The amount of the insurance shall
not be less than $2,000,000 per occurrence of general liability insurance.
3. Private events or activities with less than 50 participants, and no alcohol involved, will not be
required to furnish a Certificate of Insurance.
1. A fully refundable security deposit in the amount of $200 is required for all rentals. In order to
secure a facility rental, 10% of the rental fee, in addition to the security deposit, must be submitted.
The City of Sherwood will charge against this deposit if the facility use time exceeds the contracted
rental period, if the facility is not adequately cleaned by the end of the rental period, or if damages
occur during the rental period. The renter will be responsible for all additional charges that exceed
the deposit amount. For rentals under $200 in total fees, the security deposit will be $50. For rentals
under $50 in total fees, full payment must be submitted to secure the facility rental.
2. The remaining balance of the facility rental fee is due no later than 30 days prior to the rental date.
If the booking occurs less than 30 days prior to the event date, full payment will be required at the
time of booking.
3. Setup, breakdown, and cleaning must be done within the contracted rental period. If facility use
time exceeds the rental period stated on the contract, additional fees will be charged in one-hour
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increments. Additional charges will be deducted from renter’s deposit or, if additional charges
exceed deposited amount, the renter will be charged.
4. Renter agrees to return all rented spaces to their initial condition by the end of the rental period.
Basic cleaning after an event is the responsibility of the renter and must be done during the
contracted rental period. A comprehensive cleaning checklist will be provided to the renter to
ensure no areas are overlooked. If the facility requires additional janitorial service after the rental,
including but not limited to returning furniture to its place, vacuuming, mopping, or garbage
removal, renter agrees to pay the cost of the additional services.
5. Cancellation of facility rentals prior to 30 days before the rental date shall receive a full refund of
rental fees paid. Cancellation of facility rentals within 30 days of the rental date will forfeit all
deposits collected. Cancellation within 48 hours of the rental date forfeits all rental fees.
I have read, understand, and agree to all of the above facility rental rules and regulations in its entirety. I
understand that non-compliance with these regulations may result in the cancellation of my facility
rental and/or the forfeiture of all fees and deposits I have paid.
X_________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Renter’s Signature
Printed Name:
Non-Profit Rates Regular Rates
Main Hall | This room can be configured with an open floor plan or theater seating.
Rental of the Main Hall includes use of the Lobby & Dressing Room.
Evenings & Weekends
Business Hours open hours at the Center for the Arts
(events with more than 50 people will pay Prime rates)
Classroom | Two classrooms available. Includes tables, chairs & whiteboards
2 hour minimum rental required on Classroom rentals
Evenings & Weekends
Business Hours open hours at the Center for the
Lobby | Light and airy, the Lobby walls are the Center’s main art gallery
2 hour minimum rental required on Lobby rental
Evenings & Weekends
Business Hours open hours at the Center for
the Arts
Amenities and Equipment | All charges are one-time usage fees
Chairs folding padded chairs - 200 available
$.50 ea.
Tables 66” round tables - 30 available
6’ rectangle - 8 available
$3 ea.
Theater seating (retractable seats with floor seats
up to 385 capacity)
Basic AV (Sound & Lights controlled from floor,
wireless microphone, music and video presentation
input & control)
Advanced Tech* (Live musicians, additional
microphones, light refocus/hang)
*Requires an AV Technician for the event.
See staff charges below
Projector and Screen
Staff charges | Some events may require additional facility monitors based on impact.
An AV Technician is required for Advanced Tech.
Facility Monitor
AV Technician