Form 6729-D (Rev. 10-2019)
www.irs.govCatalog Number 66908D
Form 6729-D
(October 2019)
Site Review Sheet
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Date of review
Site name SIDN Reviewer name or SEID
A. Review conducted by
B. Type of review
Field Site Visit
Remote Site Review
Partner review
C. Advanced Notification
Instructions: This form is used to measure the site’s adherence to the Quality Site Requirements (QSR), Volunteer Standards of Conduct
(VSC), and to monitor site operations for Volunteer Income Tax Assistance/Tax Counseling for the Elderly (VITA/TCE) Programs. Do not
enter any information that identifies a specific person in the Comments box. NOTE: The term “coordinator” includes both site coordinators
and local/district coordinators. Open-ended interview questions are provided in parentheses, when appropriate. Comments are required for
answer options which are underlined and can be used to indicate corrective actions taken. Questions used to determine how to answer the
measurement question are in italics. The measurement questions for determining if a site review is adhering to a QSR are in bold.
Partners should use Publication 5140, Partner Site & Return Review Job Aid, for assistance in completing this form. SPEC employees
should use Document 13341, Field, Remote and Return Review Resource Guide, for assistance in completing this form.
QSR # 1: Certification Comments
1 Did the site meet the components for QSR 1? (Explain the process used to confirm
volunteer certification.)
No-Unable to verify
No-Not certified in tax law
No-Not certified in Volunteer Standards of Conduct
No-Not certified in Intake/Interview and Quality Review
No-Other (use if more than one "No" applies)
2 Did the coordinator receive coordinator training?
Yes No
QSR # 2: Intake/Interview & Quality Review Process Comments
3 Did the site meet all components of QSR 2? (Explain the Intake/Interview & Quality
Review Process used at this site.)
No-Not using Form 13614-C
No-Not interviewing the taxpayer
No-Incomplete Form 13614-C
No-No process to identify out-of-scope issues
No-No process to assign returns based on
volunteer certification
No-Not using Form 14446 (Virtual Site)
No-Does not quality review all returns
No-Incomplete Quality Review Process
No-Using an unapproved Quality Review
No-Not advising taxpayers of responsibility
No-Other (use if more than one "No" applies)
QSR # 3: Confirming Photo Identification and Taxpayer Identification Numbers Comments
No-Not reviewing photo identification
No-Spouse/Taxpayer not present/No Power of
No-Other (use if more than one "No" applies)
No-Not confirming taxpayer Identification
Are all volunteers confirming the identities of the primary/secondary taxpayers and
Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) for everyone listed on the return? (Explain the
process used to confirm taxpayer identities and TIN.)
QSR # 4: Reference Materials Comments
5 Are all required reference materials available at the site? (Tell me what reference
material you use at the site.)
No-Publication 4012 not available
No-Publication 17 not available
No-Publication 4299 not available
No-Other (use if more than one "No" applies)
6 Is there a process which ensures all volunteer alerts are reviewed by all IRS tax law-certified
volunteers? (What is your process for sharing volunteer alerts with your volunteers?)
Yes No
QSR # 5: Volunteer Agreement Comments
Are all Forms 13615 signed and dated by the volunteer and approving official? (Tell me the
process for securing signed volunteer agreements.)
No-Unable to verify
No-Not signed/dated by volunteer or approving official
No-Form 13206 does not certify Forms 13615 validation
Were any violations to the Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSC) identified?
No violations identified
Yes-Violation to VSC 1
Yes-Violation to VSC 2
Yes-Violation to VSC 3
Yes-Violation to VSC 4
Yes-Violation to VSC 5
Yes-Violation to VSC 6
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Form 6729-D (Rev. 10-2019)
www.irs.govCatalog Number 66908D
QSR # 5: Volunteer Agreement (continued) Comments
9 Did the site meet the components for QSR 5?
Yes No
10 Is Publication 4836, VITA/TCE Free Tax Programs (VolTax), properly displayed? (Explain
your process for ensuring volunteers and taxpayers know how to report unethical issues.)
Yes No
QSR # 6: Timely Filing
11 Are timely filing requirements met? (Explain your process for transmitting returns,
obtaining acknowledgements, and correcting rejects. Explain how taxpayers sign their
tax return.)
No-Not transmitting timely
No-Form 8879 not signed
No-Not retrieving acknowledgments timely
No-Not notifying taxpayers of rejects timely
No-Other (use if more than one "No" applies)
QSR # 7: Civil Rights Comments
12 Is a current Civil Rights poster displayed at the first point of contact? (Explain your
process for ensuring volunteers and taxpayers know how to report Civil Rights issues
identified at your site.)
Yes Yes-Using Publication 4454 No
QSR # 8: Site Identification Number Comments
13 Does the site use the correct Site Identification Number (SIDN)? (What Site
Identification Number or SIDN are you using?)
Yes No
QSR # 9: Electronic Filing Identification Number Comments
14 Does the site use the correct Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)? (What
Electronic Filing Identification Number or EFIN are you using?)
Yes No
QSR # 10: Security Comments
Is there a process to identify everyone who prepares, reviews, or changes a tax return?
(Explain the process used to identify who prepares, reviews, corrects, or makes changes to a
tax return.)
Yes No
Are adequate security measures taken to protect equipment and safeguard taxpayer data?
(Explain measures taken to protect equipment and dispose of taxpayer data.)
No-Equipment not secured
No-Taxpayer data not properly disposed
No-Taxpayer data not safeguarded
If Section 7216 is applicable, are consent notices properly secured? (Do you or your partner
collect taxpayer information which is used for anything other than preparing tax returns?)
Yes-Consent notices properly secured
No-Consent notices not properly secured
N/A-Consent notices are not required
18 Did the site meet the components for QSR 10?
Yes No
19 Do all volunteers wear or display their name to the taxpayers they assist? (Explain your
process for identifying volunteers to taxpayers.)
Yes No
Site Operations Comments
20 Is the site operating information in SPECTRM correct? (What are your site operating days and
Yes No
Adherence to Quality Site Requirements Comments
21 What is the overall Quality Site Requirement adherence rating? The adherence rate is calculated
by awarding 10 points for each of
the measurement questions
marked "Yes". The measurement
questions are 1, 3-5, 9, 11-14, and