CAP FORM 1-2, 2016XXXXX (Reverse)
Instructions for Completing the CAPF 1-2
Block 1: enter date of submission
Block 2: enter submitter’s wing and unit of assignment
Block 3: identify if the recommended change is required because of an emergency or safety incident
Block 4: check the appropriate block for the type of publication (regulation, supplement, operating instruction, pamphlet or other)
Block 5: enter the full title of the publication
Block 6: enter the publication’s number (for example: 123-1 for a regulation, 16-2 for an operating instruction, or 60-1 for the parent
regulation of a supplement)
Block 7: enter the publication’s release date
Block 8: enter the page number(s) to which the submitter is recommending a change
Block 9: enter the paragraph title, paragraph number, figure number, table number, form block number, etc. to which the submitter is
recommending a change
Block 10: enter the publication Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR). The OPR is usually identified on the bottom of the first page.
Block 11: identify if supporting documentation is attached
Block 12: check the level at which the publication is released: CAP, Region, Wing, Group or Squadron
Block 13: enter the text or describe the figure/table as it currently reads in the publication
Block 14: describe exactly how the submitter believes the text, figure, table, etc. should be presented
Block 15: describe the rationale for why the recommended change is needed
Block 16: enter submitter’s name, grade, duty title and CAPID number
Block 17: enter submitter’s email address or phone number for contact regarding the recommended change
Section 1: completed by the respective Wing Commander. For wing-level publications, the wing commander will also complete Section
Section 2: completed by the respective Region Commander. For region-level publications, the region commander will also complete
Section 4.
Section 3: completed by the publication’s OPR. The OPR, with the administrative officer’s assistance, assigns an optional tracking
number for reference.
Section 4: completed by the appropriate Approving Authority.
Determination is made on the appropriate use of the form. Upon
approval, the form is sent to the publication’s OPR to retain for consideration during the publication’s next revision
NOTE: all applicable sections are to be completed even if a preceding section indicates a “Do Not Concur.”