Hall of Fame Nomination
Extraordinary Volunteer Service Award
This award honors an individual or organization who has given extraordinary service and leadership to Manchester Community College in a volunteer service
capacity with such exceptional distinction that their contributions are widely recognized by their peers, both at MCC and elsewhere. The awardee will be
announced at the annual Hall of Fame event in February of 2020. Specific date to be determined.
Instructions: Complete one form for each nomination. Nominations may be mailed to Teresa Arnold, Manchester Community College, Great Path, MS #6,
P.O. Box 1046, Manchester, CT 06045-1046, emailed to tarnold@manchestercc.edu, faxed to 860-512-2901 or hand-delivered to Teresa Arnold, Student
Services Center, L202. Deadline for delivery of completed nominations is December 1. Nominations will be reviewed by the Hall of Fame Committee. The
awardee will be notified within two weeks of the nomination deadline.
Please select one
First Name MI Last Name MCC Graduation Year (if applicable)
Street Address
Apt. #
City State Zip
Phone Email
Employer (if applicable)
Job Title (if applicable)
Organization Name
Street Address
City State Zip
Contact Name
Phone Email
Questions: Call Teresa Arnold at 860-512-2924 or email tarnold@manchestercc.edu.
July 2019/PR
First Name MI Last Name MCC Gradation Year (if applicable)
Street Address
Apt. #
City State Zip
Phone Email
Relationship to Nominee
In the space below or attached on separate sheet, briefly describe why the nominated individual/organization should receive the Manchester Community College
Foundation’s Extraordinary Volunteer Service Award. Assume the judges know nothing about the individual/organization. Eligibility is based on extraordinary
volunteer service and/or leadership at MCC and demonstrated exemplary public and community service. Please also include any awards, honors and professional
community affiliations that should be considered.