Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Extra Practice
Name: ____________________________
Date: ______________________________
Extra Practice
Unit 5 Lesson 10: Generate and Solve
Multiplication & Division Equations
Directions: Solve each problem using a different strategy.
1. Jeremy has 63 photos. This is
three times as many as he had last
week. How many photos did he
have last week?
2. Jeff has 48 stamps. This is 4 times
as many as he had last week. How
many stamps did he have last
3. Lauren bought some new tools for
$75. If each tool costs $15, how
many tools does Lauren have?
4. Matt is paid $18 per hour for
tutoring. By the end of the week, he
made $108. How many hours did he
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 6 Unit 5 Lesson 9 Extra Practice
Extra Practice
Unit 5 Lesson 10: Generate and Solve
Multiplication & Division Equations
Directions: Solve each problem using a different strategy.
5. Julia has 18 dolls. This is 3 times
as many dolls as she had a month
ago. How many dolls did she have
a month ago?
6. Nicole spent $66.00 on three pairs
of shoes. If each pair of shoes costs
the same amount, how much did
one pair of shoes cost?
7. Ariel baked 63 cupcakes for her 9
friends. She wants them to share
the cupcakes equally. How many
cupcakes will each friend get?
8. After exercising for 1 week, Todd
was able to do 30 push-ups. This
was 3 times as many as he could do
before. How many push-ups could
Todd do before?