Enrollment Services will retain this petition together with documentation of extra-institutional learning in student’s file.
Petition for Extra-Institutional Learning (EIL), (rev June 12, 2017)
Petition for Credit by Extra-Institutional Learning (EIL)
Definition: Knowledge and skills acquired outside the college and objectively verified through third-party certifications
or industry-recognized testing or training.
• Credit may be awarded only if a relevant crosswalk between the EIL and course/program has been established.
• Submitted EIL must correspond to the learning outcomes of Shoreline courses or program requirements and have
been recorded as part of the crosswalk with the certification, testing or training.
1. Student submits this petition to Enrollment Services along with required documentation for outside certification,
testing or training for which they are requesting credit.
2. Enrollment Services reviews petition, documentation in comparison with approved crosswalk and notifies student
via their Shoreline email after transcription of applicable credit has been completed.
Student Name ________________________________________________________________ SID# ________________________
Last First
Telephone _____________________________________ Shoreline E-mail ________________________________________
I am petitioning for credit during _____________________, and affirm I am enrolled for credit at Shoreline during this quarter.
I have reviewed the information provided regarding prior learning assessment, specifically credit by Extra-Institutional Learning (EIL), as stated in
Policy 5164 and corresponding Procedures:
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________
To Be Completed by Enrollment Services:
EIL Training, Testing or Certification
(if applicable)
Equivalent Shoreline Course Title or Program
Comments or Additional Explanatory Notes:
Recorded by: _________________________________________________________________________
Enrollment Services Staff Date