Melbourne Campus Assessment Center, External Testing
3865 N. Wickham Road, Building 10, Room 218
Melbourne, FL, USA 32935 Office: 321-433-5520
Proctored Testing Request for Non-EFSC Students
STUDENT CONTACT INFORMATION Save & submit completed form to: ExternalTesting@easternflorida.edu
NAME: _______________________________________________ EFSC B# (if applicable): ______________________
Primary Phone Number: _______________________________ Home Cell Office Other
Alternate Phone Number: _______________________________ Home Cell Office Other
Preferred Email Address: ________________________________ PREFERRED EFSC CAMPUS TESTING SITE:
Alternate Email Address: ________________________________ Cocoa Melb Palm Bay Titus
What type of proctored testing services do you require? (Check all that apply.)
You are requesting external proctored Academic and/or Placement Testing for another school.
• The Academic and Placement Testing Proctored Test Service fee is $35 per test.
You are requesting Industry Certification and/or Professional Licensure testing.
• Industry Certification and Professional Licensure Testing Service fee is $75 per test.
You are a currently enrolled student in academic classes at Eastern Florida State College.
• Proctored Academic testing for an external school is free. All other fees above apply.
You agree to show a valid, government-issued picture ID prior to every test administered.
Student’s External Institution Information:
Institution Name: ___________________________________ City/State/Country: ______________________
Contact Information (Email Address or Phone): __________________________________________________
Eastern Florida State College External Student Testing Policy
Our primary testing responsibility is to Eastern Florida State College (EFSC) students. As a service to our community,
however, EFSC provides proctored testing services to students attending classes or taking placement tests for outside (non-
EFSC) institutions and to our business community requiring industry certifications and professional licensing.
A Proctored Testing Service fee will be assessed for each test taken. This fee may be paid at any campus EFSC Cashier’s
office, the receipt for which must be presented to the proctor as proof of payment prior to a test being given. External
students dually enrolled in EFSC vocational or college-credit classes in the current semester are exempt from this fee; a copy
of the student’s EFSC class schedule must be submitted in lieu of the receipt. Fees may be waived by EFSC’s president or
designee. Any additional fees related to testing, such as postage, envelopes, etc., are the external student’s responsibility.
It is also the responsibility of the external student to make proctored testing appointments during the operational hours
of the Assessment Centers and within the time period of their tests being available. External students should ensure that their
institutions have provided all pertinent testing information to the EFSC External Testing Office prior their testing appointment.
Appointments should be made for a minimum of 2 ½ hours prior to the closing times of the Assessment Centers to allow
for test processing after tests have been completed. If your instructor has allowed you more than 2 hours to take a test, we
will work with you to schedule your test so that we have a minimum of 30 minutes for processing your completed exam. EFSC
Assessment Centers schedule testing appointments Monday through Saturday on a space-available basis; we have limited
appointment times during our midterm and final exam periods due to the volume of EFSC tests being administered.
For test security purposes, EFSC Assessment Centers provide secure locations for test storage. Each test will be proctored
according to the external institution’s instructions, with the understanding that EFSC does not provide mailing supplies or
tracked mailings.
I, (Print) ___________________________________________, understand EFSC’s External Student Testing Policy, and that
appointments and testing will be provided at the discretion of the EFSC Assessment Centers staff. Thank you.
Student Signature ______________________________________ Staff Initials _____________ Date __________________
Revised 09/06/2018 (CHT)
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