Expression of Interest - Kane County Growing for Kane Program
About Growing for Kane
The Kane County Board adopted the Growing for Kane Ordinance August 2013. The adoption of this ordinance enables the
design of new policies that will be part of the Growing for Kane program. Program development will take place over the next
The purpose of the program will be to enable increased production, distribution, and/or consumption of locally grown/
produced fruit, vegetable, meat and dairy products. The idea for Growing for Kane came out of a Health Impact Assessment
completed by the Kane County Health & Development departments, which demonstrates both public health and economic
benefits of increasing local food production in Kane County. View the report at: http://kanehealth.com/PDFs/HIA/
Although no funds are available at this time, Growing for Kane may include allocation of funding to enable increasing local food
production, guided by a Growing for Kane Commission made up of county residents.
Interested in Growing for Kane?
Please fill out the information below if you would like to be kept informed about program development, or are interested in
becoming involved with the Growing for Kane Commission.
Name Address
E-mail Phone #
I am a farmer
Please check all that apply
I am interested in becoming a farmer
I am a restaurant owner or chef
I am a potential Growing for Kane funder
I live in Kane County
I work in Kane County
I am knowledgeable about food policy
Please explain your interest in
Growing for Kane
I am interested in being involved with the Growing for Kane Commission
If you are a farmer or are interested in
farming, please describe any current
needs or concerns
Please save form and e-mail to: johnsonellen@co.kane.il.us OR mail/return to:
Kane County Government Center, Bldg. A
Development & Community Services Dept.
Attn: Ellen Johnson
719 Batavia Ave.
Geneva, IL 60134
Visit our new local foods and farming blog: www.foodandfarmskc.org