TO BE COMPLETED BY REQUESTOR, STEP 1: Preapproval to Incur Expenses covered by Foundation funds
Instructions: Requestor completes fields in Step 1 below and provides document with attachments to Foundation.
Date of Request Phone #
SBCC Requestor Name E-mail
SBCC Department Name
SBCC Budget Account #
Fund Organization Program
Foundation Fund Name Foundation Fund #
Foundation Fund Authorized Signer Name (print):
Foundation Fund Authorized Signer Signature:
Description of Expense(s)
$ Amount of Expense(s)
Backup Documentation Attached to this Request (such as vendor quote, estimate, SBCC travel & conference form):
( ) yes ( ) n/a provide explanation if n/a
Approved: ( ) yes ( ) no *If not approved, notification is sent to the requestor via e-mail and form is kept in Foundation office.
Approved $ Amount:
If not approved, reason for disapproval:
Approved by Date of Approval
TO BE COMPLETED BY REQUESTOR, STEP 3: After Expense(s) Incurred reimbursement from Foundation fund
Attach Invoice/Receipt/Backup of Expense(s):
( ) yes ( ) n/a provide explanation if n/a
$ Amount of Expense(s) to be funded by Foundation Funds
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Santa Barbara Community College District & The Foundation for Santa Barbara City College
Foundation Expense Authorization Form
This form is used: 1) to obtain approval of spending Foundation funds that are held in the Foundation and not at SBCC, and 2) to
have the Unrestricted or Restricted General Fund reimbursed by the Foundation for the expenditures. The form must be completed
in advance of spending funds out of the Unrestricted or Restricted General Fund for reimbursement by a Foundation fund.
*Do not use this form if you need funds transferred from a Foundation fund into an SBCC auxiliary account for a specific dollar amount.
Please use the Foundation Transfer Request Form for transfers.
Dollar amount should be same or lower dollar amount as originally requested in step 1 above. If the dollar amount is
higher, approval from the Foundation will be needed again, i.e. this form will need to be completed again from the
beginning of the process.
Instructions: Foundation confirms funds are available for expenses listed in Step 1 and returns form along with documentation to the
Instructions: After Requestor incurs the cost of the preapproved expenses and receives the invoice or any other final
documentation, they attach the documentation and provide those documents along with this form to Accounts Payable in SBCC