TO BE COMPLETED BY REQUESTOR, STEP 1: Preapproval to Incur Expenses covered by Foundation funds
Instructions: Requestor completes fields in Step 1 below and provides document with attachments to Foundation.
Date of Request Phone #
SBCC Requestor Name E-mail
SBCC Department Name
SBCC Budget Account #
Fund Organization Program
Foundation Fund Name Foundation Fund #
Foundation Fund Authorized Signer Name (print):
Foundation Fund Authorized Signer Signature:
Description of Expense(s)
$ Amount of Expense(s)
Backup Documentation Attached to this Request (such as vendor quote, estimate, SBCC travel & conference form):
( ) yes ( ) n/a provide explanation if n/a
Approved: ( ) yes ( ) no *If not approved, notification is sent to the requestor via e-mail and form is kept in Foundation office.
Approved $ Amount:
If not approved, reason for disapproval:
Approved by Date of Approval
TO BE COMPLETED BY REQUESTOR, STEP 3: After Expense(s) Incurred reimbursement from Foundation fund
Attach Invoice/Receipt/Backup of Expense(s):
( ) yes ( ) n/a provide explanation if n/a
$ Amount of Expense(s) to be funded by Foundation Funds
- - - -
Santa Barbara Community College District & The Foundation for Santa Barbara City College
Foundation Expense Authorization Form
This form is used: 1) to obtain approval of spending Foundation funds that are held in the Foundation and not at SBCC, and 2) to
have the Unrestricted or Restricted General Fund reimbursed by the Foundation for the expenditures. The form must be completed
in advance of spending funds out of the Unrestricted or Restricted General Fund for reimbursement by a Foundation fund.
*Do not use this form if you need funds transferred from a Foundation fund into an SBCC auxiliary account for a specific dollar amount.
Please use the Foundation Transfer Request Form for transfers.
Dollar amount should be same or lower dollar amount as originally requested in step 1 above. If the dollar amount is
higher, approval from the Foundation will be needed again, i.e. this form will need to be completed again from the
beginning of the process.
Instructions: Foundation confirms funds are available for expenses listed in Step 1 and returns form along with documentation to the
Instructions: After Requestor incurs the cost of the preapproved expenses and receives the invoice or any other final
documentation, they attach the documentation and provide those documents along with this form to Accounts Payable in SBCC
Create Invoice to Foundation for Expense(s) Incurred
Completed By Date completed
SBCC Banner Invoice # S Banner Vendor # for Foundation: K00352279
SBCC Accounts Receivable Invoicing Process
Instructions: Accounts Payable provides the receivable invoice to the Foundation along with this form and all backup documents.
Instructions: Foundation pays the SBCC invoice using the fund coding found in Step 1 above, referencing the SBCC invoice
number and the Foundation vendor # K00352279 on the check. The check is given to the SBCC Cashier's Office. This form and all
backup documents will be filed by the Foundation and remain at the Foundation.
Instructions: SBCC Cashier's Office applies the check to the SBCC Banner "S" invoice number and K#00352279 located on the
Foundation check remittance.
SBCC Accounts Payable Process
SBCC Accounting Budget Process
Instructions: Accounts Payable in SBCC Accounting records the invoice payable to the vendor (or other type of expense such as a
travel reimbursement) to the budget coding listed in Step 1. Then Accounts Payable creates a receivable invoice to the Foundation
for reimbursement from the Foundation funds.
Instructions: Accounts Payable scans these documents, saves them for Accounting files. The Finance Accountant goes to the
pending budget adjustment electronic file to retrieve the information necessary to complete a Budget Adjustment.
The Foundation Reimbursement for District Purchase
Checks made payable to: SBCC Cashier's Office
7. SBCC deposits check from Foundation
SBCC District & SBCC Foundation
Expense Authorizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Why is the process changing?
A: The Foundation auditors recommend that the Foundation transfers all
campus support to the College Business Office for purposes of budgeting,
cash management, and related expense disbursements. The District wants to
capture all income received from the Foundation and expenses paid from
Foundation funds.
Q: Are the Foundation’s and District’s accounting systems the same?
A: No, the accounting systems are completely different.
Q: I don’t know my “SBCC Budget Account Code”. Where do I find it?
A: Contact your supervisor. If your supervisor does not know, contact Lisa
Kellogg-Saunders in the SBCC Accounting Office at ext. 5175 or via email
Q: I don’t know the Foundation Fund name and/or Fund number. Where can I find
A: Contact the Foundation’s Accounting Supervisor at ext. 4418.
Q: I know that we have a fund with the Foundation, but I am not sure who the
“Foundation Fund Authorized signer” is? How do I find out?
A: Contact the Foundation’s Accounting Supervisor at ext. 4418
Q: I know there is a fund, but not sure what it can be used for. How do I find out?
A: Contact the Foundation’s Development Director at ext. 2937
SBCC District & SBCC Foundation
Expense Authorizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Do I use the same form for a transfer as an expense reimbursement?
A: No, there is a separate form for expense reimbursements.
Q: What is the difference between the two forms?
A: The Foundation Transfer Request Form is used to request a transfer of
money from a Foundation fund to a SBCC trust account.
The Foundation Expense Authorization Form is used: 1) to obtain approval of
spending Foundation funds that are held at the Foundation and not at SBCC,
and 2) to have the Unrestricted or Restricted General fund reimbursed by the
Foundation for the expenditures. The Form must be completed in advance of
spending funds out of the Unrestricted or Restricted General Fund for
reimbursement by a Foundation fund.
Q: Where do I access Expense Authorization and Transfer Request forms?
A: On the District’s Fiscal Services website under forms
Q: How do I submit the forms?
1. In person at the Foundation
2. Via interoffice mail to the Foundation Accounting Supervisor’s attention
3. Via email (if scanned with signatures)
Q: Why do I have to include a “Description of expenses”?
A: The Foundation must confirm that the use of funds meets the intent of the
donor(s) of the fund.
SBCC District & SBCC Foundation
Expense Authorizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Is pre-authorization of expenses required prior to purchase of items?
A: Yes
Q: What happens if I didn’t get pre-authorization before incurring expenses?
A: There will be no reimbursement.
Q: What if the amount I spend exceeds the pre-authorized amount?
A: The pre-authorization process will begin again with you submitting the
Expense authorization form for the excess expenses.
Q: What if I spend less than the pre-authorized amount?
A: The expense will be processed for the lesser amount.
Q: What happens after my expense(s) are authorized by the Foundation?
1. You will receive the authorization form back from the Foundation.
2. You can incur the expenses.
3. You submit the pre-authorized form to SBCC Accounting, any backup
and expense receipts/invoices to the District for payment processing.
Q: How long will a pre-authorization take?
A: A week
SBCC District & SBCC Foundation
Expense Authorizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Once I submit all paperwork to the District, when I can I expect payment?
A: Between 7 -14 days