Updated: February 5, 2019 Huntingdon College Recovery Email Verification Form
As indicated per College policy:
Expectations Regarding Use of Huntingdon College Assigned Accounts and Privacy of User Names
and Passwords
Individuals are assigned a Huntingdon College (HC) email address for the purpose of correspondence with College
faculty, staff, and students. Students also receive login information to the College's student information system. It is
the responsibility of each individual to check HC email regularly. The HC email account is an official means of
communication between the student and the College. As there is no guarantee of security of academic information or
verification of an individual’s identity with other email accounts (e.g. Yahoo, AOL), only correspondence received from
an individual’s HC email account is considered official.
As account information is given solely to the individual, authentication through these systems can be trusted, so long as
the individual retains this information in a secure and private manner. It is therefore imperative that individuals not
share login information with any other party (friends, family, College employees, parents, children, etc.). Individuals
who feel login information has been compromised should immediately contact the Office of Technology Services. Reset
or lost account passwords will only be distributed to an individual in person, or to an alternate email account which has
been verified as being owned by the individual.
Those who wish to officially set a recovery email account with the College should complete the section below
and return this form to Huntingdon College at: 1500 E. Fairview Ave., Wilson Center Rm. 105, Montgomery, AL
36106, or by fax to 334-833-4313.DO NOT EMAIL THIS FORM.
Full name: ____________________________________________ System ID ______________________
SSN: ______-______-________Date of Birth: ____/____/____Government ID (please include a legible copy)
Initial and complete one choice:
_______ By signing below and providing an alternate non-HC email address, I am verifying that
Huntingdon College may distribute lost or reset passwords for my HC email account to me at the
following email account, which I assert is my own (please print clearly):
I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Huntingdon College by submitting an updated
version of this form if I no longer wish to receive reset or lost HC email password information at
this account.
_______ Huntingdon College should only provide me with a lost or reset password for my HC
email account in person, unless I choose to resubmit this form at a later date.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________
Note: All other Huntingdon College electronic account passwords willonly be distributed either in person or to
an individual’s official HC email account. This form does not promise access to or provision of a Huntingdon
College email account indefinitely.