Exhibit H
To be stapled to the top of each candidate’s folder that is forwarded to request permission to interview and to hire.
(Candidate for Faculty or Other Unclassified Position)
Rank and Discipline [or title]
Non-tenure Track, Tenure Track or Multi-Year
Anticipated Salary_____________
Department and College
Person Replaced
Beginning Date of Appointment
I request permission to interview this candidate. ___________________________________
Chair, Search Committee Date
Approvals (obtain in order listed):
Dean/College Date
EEO Representative (to verify Date
that the search followed EEO principles)
Vice President Date
This section to be completed at time recommendation is made to offer (or not) position. Complete either A or B as appropriate.
___A. I certify that proof of highest degree is in candidate’s folder; and recommend offering the position as follows
Non-tenure Track Multi-Year
Rank [or Title]
Tenure Track Administrative
______months Salary ____________
Date of Appointment (9,10.5, or 12)
other details for letter of offer___________________________________________________________________________
(If credit toward the probationary period for tenure is granted, please indicate
here; and if applicable, enter degree completion requirements.)
I recommend offering the position to this candidate for the following reason(s):
___B. This candidate is not being recommended for hire for the following reason(s):
Chair, Search Committee Date
Dean/College Date
Conditions surrounding the selection process for the final candidate have been reviewed for compliance with EEO policies and
EEO Representative Date
I approve the reason(s) for not offering position to this candidate. ________________________ __________
Vice President Date
Permission is granted to offer the position as described above to this candidate.
__________________________________ __________ ________________________ __________
Vice President Date President Date
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