This form is to be completed by student and submitted to the university supervisor at the completion of the
first 200/280 hours of the internship experience. Use this form as a template and word-process answers
on a separate sheet of paper, or type directly into this form.
(A copy should be made and discussed with agency supervisor.)
1. Briefly summarize to date your exposure to the agency’s responsibilities in relation to
the responsibilities listed in the Internship Handbook.
2. Has the experience, to date, met your expectations? Explain.
3. Is this experience helping you realize your expected goals from internship?
4. Is the supervision (both Agency and University) you are receiving adequate?
5. How can the internship experience be more meaningful?
a. What can you do to make it so?
b. What can the agency do to make it so?
6. What experiences would you like to see given more emphasis during the remainder of
your time with this Agency?
Remember: Candid discussions with your agency supervisor of your reactions expressed on this
form is one-way you can insure that the remainder of your experience is more meaningful.
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