This document represents a formal contract between the student completing the
internship and the host internship organization. By signing this document the student
agrees to abide by the regulations for the internship experience set forth by the host
organization. Failing to comply with such regulations will result in receiving a grade
reduction from Winthrop University internship supervisor. Therefore it is imperative that
the student comply with the regulations of the host organization.
I __________________________________, agree to comply with any rules,
regulations, policies, and procedures specified by the host internship organization.
The organization identified as the host internship organization for this internship
shall be, _______________________________________. As part of this
agreement, I acknowledge and agree to perform the assigned tasks of this
internship for the duration of time specified by the host organization. I also agree
that I will complete the duration of this internship even if the length of the
internship exceeds university requirements for the course.
I here by acknowledge that I have read and understand this contract and I agree to obey
all of the conditions set forth.
______________________________________ ____________
(Student Signature) (Date)
______________________________________ ____________
(Site Supervisor Signature) (Date)
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