hampton_exemption_classification_form Revised 10/26/2015 Page 2 of 3
6. Under sections A, B or C please check the qualifying use for which exemption is being sought (one only).
A. Article X, Section 6 of the Constitution of Virginia – current qualifying uses;
____ owned and exclusively occupied by churches or religious bodies for religious worship or for residences of their ministers
____ private or public burying grounds or cemeteries, not operated for profit
____ public libraries or institutions of learning not conducted for profit
____ land subject to a perpetual easement permitting inundation by water
B. If land acquired before July 1, 1971 these uses may qualify;
____ YMCA and similar religious associations 58.1-3606(A)5
____ parks and playgrounds held by trustees for perpetual use of the general public 58.1-3606(A)6
____ benevolent and charitable organizations used exclusively for lodge purposes or meeting rooms 58.1-3606(A)7
____ nonprofit corporations organized to establish and maintain a museum 58.1-3606(A)8
C. If land acquired on or after July 1, 1971, these uses may qualify;
____ volunteer fire departments and rescue squads 58.1-3610
____ boys clubs affiliated with the Boys Clubs of America, Inc. 58.1-3611
____ auxiliaries of the Veterans of World War I, USA, Incorporated 58.1-3612
____ Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 58.1-3613
____ Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America and their subsidiaries 58.1-3614
____ Home Demonstration Clubs, 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America 58.1-3615
____ American National Red Cross and local chapters 58.1-3616
____ religious and charitable organization 58.1-3617
____ College alumni associations and foundations 58.1-3618
____ The State Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers of America and Future Business Leaders of America 58.1-3619
____ Farm club associations 58.1-3621
____ Habitat for Humanity and local affiliates 58.1-3622
7. Does the applicant have an exemption from taxation under the Internal Revenue Service Code, Section 501c or any other
provision of the Internal Revenue Service Code?
Yes, 501c ______ Yes, other ______ No ______
If yes, please provide IRS identification number _____________________ and the date of the IRS ruling ____________________
8. Does the applicant have a license for serving alcoholic beverages issued by the Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Board
for use on this property?
Yes ______ No _____
If yes, please explain ______________________________________________________________________________________