DJAG 003.V4 MAR19
Privacy Notice
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) is collecting your personal information under the Working with Children (Risk
Management and Screening) Act 2000 (WWC Act). Where relevant, DJAG will disclose personal information to organisations you work
for or provide services to about whether you have a current application for, or hold a current blue/exemption card; the outcome of this
application which may include its withdrawal or negative notice, or if your blue/exemption card is subsequently suspended or cancelled.
DJAG publishes confirmation about whether your blue card is valid. DJAG will use and disclose your personal information to assess your
application for a blue/exemption card and will disclose your personal information to courts, law enforcement agencies, disciplinary or
supervisory bodies or anyone you have agreed for DJAG to discuss your application with. It may also be used to contact you with more
information about your application and the Blue Card process. DJAG may use electronic communication for matters of information
provision and collection of data for research purposes. Authorised users of the home-based care register, kept pursuant to the WWC Act,
may also have access to your personal information. DJAG manages your personal information in accordance with the WWC Act and the
Information Privacy Act 2009.
Important information
You can withdraw your consent to screening at any time before a decision is made.
A registered teacher means a person registered as a teacher under the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005.
A police ocer means a person engaged by the Queensland Police Service as a police ocer under the Police Service Administration Act
After you have submitted an application for an exemption card, your application details will be forwarded to the Queensland College of
Teachers or the Queensland Police Service, where appropriate.
Confirmation of your status as a registered teacher or police ocer will be sought from the relevant agency and whether there is a need
to undertake further employment screening in relation to your application.
If you have indicated that you are a registered teacher:
The Queensland College of Teachers may only advise that there is a need to undertake further employment screening where the
Queensland College of Teachers is aware of any police information in relation to you.
If you have indicated that you are a police ocer:
The Queensland Police Service may only advise that there is a need to undertake further employment screening about a police ocer
where the Queensland Police Service is aware that the applicant has been charged with an oence and the charge has not been finally
dealt with.
No personal information about the specifics of a person’s criminal history will be provided as part of this information exchange.
*Non-conviction charge means, whether a person was charged as an adult or a child, a charge: that has been withdrawn; that has been
the subject of a nolle prosequi, a no true bill or a submission of no evidence to oer; that led to a conviction that was quashed on
appeal; or upon which a person was acquitted or disposed of by a court otherwise than by way of conviction.
Conviction/convicted means a finding of guilt by a court, or the acceptance of a plea of guilty by a court, whether or not a conviction is
recorded and regardless of when and where it occurred.
For more information about the blue card system and your obligations go to www.bluecard.qld.gov.au.
Application lodgement
Applications may be lodged by one of the following methods:
Scan and upload
By post
PO Box 12671, Brisbane George Street QLD 4003
In person
53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
By fax
07 3035 5910
Blue Card Services, Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Scan and upload at www.bluecard.qld.gov.au/uploadform
07 3211 6999 or 1800 113 611
PO Box 12671, Brisbane George Street QLD 4003
07 3035 5910
53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4000