Applicant Details
Postcode: Tel: Email:
Agent Details (if applicable)
Postcode: Tel: Email:
Location to which work relates
Address: Postcode:
Proposed Work Please
tick ()
Conservatory Not all buildings and extensions are subject
Porch to the Building Regulations. Certain works are
Detached garage exempt from the requirements of the Building
Carport Regulations and therefore do not require an
Small detached building application to be submitted, for details on the
Greenhouse exemptions please see the reverse for guidance
If other please state:
This notice is given in relation to the building work as described, and I confirm it is my intention to
erect an exempt building.
Signature: Date:
Building Control, Municipal Offices,
Bowling Green Road, Kettering, NN15 7QX
Kettering Borough Council is committed to protecting your privacy when using our services. Before completing
this form, please read our Privacy Notice at which tells you
how we use your information, who we may share it with and why. It also details what you can do if you have any
concerns and how to request the information we hold about you.
The Building Act 1984
The Building Regulations 2010
This form is to be completed by the person(s) intending to carry out building work or their agent.
For assistance please call the Building Control team direct on 01536 534250
Application Reference Number:
(Office use only)
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Greenhouses and Agricultural Buildings (Class 3)
1. Subject to paragraph 3, a greenhouse.
2. A building used, subject to paragraph 3, for agriculture, or a building principally for the keeping of animals, provided
that in each case:
(a) no part of the building is used as a dwelling;
(b) no point of the building is less than one and a half times its height from any point of a building which
contains sleeping accomodation; and
(c) the building is provided with a fire exit which is not more than 30 metres from any point of the building.
3. The desciptions of the buildings in paragraphs 1 and 2 do not include a greenhouse or a building used for
agriculture if the principle purpose for which they are used is retailing, packing or exhibiting.
4. In paragrapgh 2, "agriculture" includes horticulture, fruit growing, the growing of plants for seed and fish farming.
Small Detached Buildings (Class 6)
1. A deatched single storey building, having a floor area which does not exceed 30m2, which contains no sleeping
accomodation and is a building;
(a) no point of which is less than one metre from the boundary of its curtilage; or
(b) which is constructed substantially of non-combustable material.
2. A detached design and intended to shelter people from the effects of nuclear, chemical conventional weapons, and
not used for any other purpose, if:
(a) its floor area does no exceed 30m2; and
(b) the excavation for the building is no closer to any exposed part of another building or structure than a
distance equal to the depth of the excavation plus one metre.
3. A detached building, having a floor area which does not exceed 16m2, which contains no sleeping accommodation.
Extensions (Class 7)
The extension of a building by the addition at ground level of:
(a) a conservatory, porch covered yard or covered way; or
(b) a carport open on at least two sides;
where the floor area of that extension does not exceed 30m2, provided that in the case of a conservatory or porch
which is wholly or partly glazed, the glazing satisfies the requirements of Part K of Schedule 1.
Further Guidance
The £40 charge is payable, is non-refundable and must accompany the application.
The Building Regulations 2010 set out the kinds of work that are exempt from the Regulations. NOTE: Some works
may however require Planning permission.
The Building Regulations are made up of procedural and technical provisions. Some works are exempt from the
whole of the Regulations, others are only exempt from certain aspects.
In respect of technical requirements the exemptions are judged by two approaches:
(1) Parts A to K, M and P are judged against seven classes set out in Schedule 2 of the Building Regulations.
(see table below)
(2) Part L is judged against criteria set set out in Regulation 21 of the Building Regulations. (see overview below)
Regulation 21[a1] of the Building Regulations 2010, sets out the exemption criteria with regard to the Part L
(Conservation of fuel and power) requirements.
Broadly, the Part L requirements apply
to buildings, or extensions of such buildings (except those of Class 7 type
(see above)), or the carrying out of any work to or in connection of any such building or extension where the building:
(i) is a roofed construction having walls; and
(ii) uses energy to condition the indoor climate
However, the Part L requirements do not apply to
buildings which fall into the following categories:
(i) Certain buildings which are listed, in conservation areas or are included in the schedule of monuments
(ii) where compliance with the energy efficiency requirements would unacceptably alter their character or
(iii) Buildings which are used primarily or solely as places of worship
(iv) Temporary buildings with a planned time of use of 2 years or less, with low energy demand
(v) Industrial sites, workshops and non-residential agricultural buildings with low energy demand
(vi) Stand-alone buildings other than dwellings with a total useful floor area of less than 50m²
Should you require clarification relating to any part of this form,
further information and advice concerning Building Regulations
and Planning matter may be obtained from your Local Authority.