Executive DBA research proposal form
First name
Last name
Title of your research
Brief description of research (maximum 500 words)
Explain your proposed research in simple terms that could be understood by an academic working outside your area
of interest. This should include details of the management or organisational problem that your research will address.
Aims and objectives of the research (maximum 500 words)
Explain the main objectives of your proposed research.
Research question(s) (maximum 150 words)
Literature review (maximum 1000 words)
Provide a critical analysis of the existing literature and use the latter to justify the need for your research. You may
address the following questions: which pieces of literature inform your topic and why? Where specically are you
positioning your proposed research within the eld? What are the key sources? What are the key theories, concepts
and ideas?
What are the most signicant issues and debates about the topic? Broadly, what is currently known about the topic?
What deciencies are there in the literature, and how might your proposed topic address them?
Literature review - continued
Methodology (maximum 250 words)
Briey describe how you would approach your data collection and analysis
Potential impacts of the research (maximum 800 words)
Who would benet from your research? What are your plans for user engagement and communication?
Commitment to research
Please name any potential partners for your research who might assist with your data collection and/or sponsorship.
Please outline any sources of funding, applications to other bodies, etc, either secured or being sought
How do you intend to balance your research with other commitments? What agreements have you sought/secured
from your employer?