List ALL courses in which you are currently registered and the scheduled exam date and
time. Incomplete forms will take significantly more time to process.
Reason for
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Please see the current student handbook and page 2 of this form for applicable policies on exam rescheduling. Requests that fail to meet the predetermined criteria
for reschedule will not be approved or processed. All requests must be received by the deadlines listed in Course Schedule. Late requests will not be considered.
Exam Reschedule Petition
(Please type or print)
Please read and sign page 2 of this form.
TimeScheduled DateCourse Name/ Instructor
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Rules & Policies Governing Exam Rescheduling Petition
Advance Rescheduling is Allowed Under the Following Circumstances:
1. A student has two School of Law examinations that are scheduled to start within a 23-hour
period (not including take home exams and first-years midterms).
2. A student has three School of Law examinations on three consecutive days (not including take
home exams).
3. A student's religious beliefs prohibit the taking of an examination at the scheduled time.
4. Student participation in a law school competition for which the student is receiving academic
credit, and directly conflicts with a scheduled exam.
The Examination Coordinator will determine which exam to move in the case of situation 1 or 2,
above. If more than one exam is rescheduled, the exams normally are kept in the same order.
Exams will not be rescheduled for vacations, airplane tickets, family events, business conflicts, or
conferences. In addition, School of Law exams will not be rescheduled due to conflicts with
exams at other law schools of other programs in the university.
Exceptions to this policy might be granted (with timely and appropriate documentation) for the
wedding of an immediate family member (parent, sibling, child) IF the student has a role in the
ceremony AND the student has a direct time conflict.
Students are prohibited from discussing exam reschedule requests with their instructors. All exam
reschedule requests or questions must be directed to the Examination Coordinator.
If you receive disability-related exam accommodations, return this form directly to the Assistant
Director of Law Student Support at
I have read all of the rules and policies governing examination rescheduling, I accept them, and
agree to abide by them.
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