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Eastern Wyoming College
3200 West C Street • Torrington, WY 82240 Application for Employment
Eastern Wyoming College is committed to providing equal opportunity for access to and participation in college programs of instruction, services, and
activities. It is the policy of the college to neither favor nor disfavor any individual on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability, or
national origin. The college is subject to and complies with the regulations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act. Inquiries regarding compliance may be
directed to the Director of Human Resources, Eastern Wyoming College, Torrington, WY, 82240 or phone (307) 532-8330, or the Wyoming Department
of Education, Office for Civil Rights Coordinator, 2nd Floor, Hathaway Building, Cheyenne, WY 82002-0050, or (307) 777-6218.
Date____________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Email ___________________________________________________________
U.S. Citizen Yes No ______
If not, VISA Class
Student Non Student _______________________
For what position are you applying? _________________________________
Other work you would consider:
Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? _________
Name and address of person to be notified in case of emergency.
Can you accept position immediately?____________________________
If not, how soon?
Have you ever worked at EWC before?____________________________
When? Department __________
Reason for leaving?
Have you ever been suspended or discharged from a job? ____________
High School:_____________________________________________________
Business College:______________________________________________
Location: ____________________________________________________
Years Completed:_________________________________________________
Years Completed: _____________________________________________
Did You Graduate? __________________________ Did You Graduate? _______________________________________
College or University:_____________________________________________
Special Training:______________________________________________
Years Completed:________________________________________________
Years Completed:_____________________________________________
Did you Graduate? __________
Major: _____________________________ Minor: ________________
Did you Graduate? __________
Major: _____________________________ Minor: ________________
Employment History Begin with most recent employment.
May we contact your current Employer/Supervisor? Yes / No (Y / N)
Employer: Employer: Employer:
Address: Address: Address:
Supervisor: Supervisor: Supervisor:
Type of Position: Type of Position: Type of Position:
Starting Date: Starting Date: Starting Date:
Ending Date: Ending Date: Ending Date:
Reason for Leaving: Reason for Leaving: Reason for Leaving:
Salary: Salary: Salary:
References May be personal or business references (do not use those listed above or relatives).
Name: Name: Name:
Address: Address: Address:
Phone: Phone: Phone:
Profession or Occupation of Reference:
Profession or Occupation of Reference: Profession or Occupation of Reference:
Please c
heck the following with which you have had experience or training:
Accounting/Bookkeeping Editorial Purchasing
Auditing Filing Statistical
Accounts Receivable/Payable Payroll Printing
Clerical (General) Switchboard Correspondence
Computerized Bookkeeping Typing, Speed (WPM) Memory Typewriter
Stenographic Speed Calculators Computer Terminal
Excel Duplicating Machines Microcomputer
Desktop Publishing Adding Machines Access
PowerPoint Word Processing Software - specify application(s) Other Software
I certify that all information given on this application, supporting documents, and interviews is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that giving
false information is cause for dismissal and that a physical examination (post conditional offer) may be required. I understand that this application is not
intended to be a contract of employment. I agree that Eastern Wyoming College may require my participation in a contribution to retirement plans while
employed. I further authorize Eastern Wyoming College to investigate all statements made on my application for employment. I authorize such educational
institutions and employers and others (and their agents or employees) to respond to questions concerning information given on this application and I further
release from liability such former employers, institutions, or person providing such information to Eastern Wyoming College. I understand that no offer of
benefits such as insurance, vacation or salary rate is final until approved by the Director of Human Resources. I understand that I will be required to
complete an I-9 form for income tax purposes. I understand that I will be required to serve a probationary period during which time I may be terminated in
accordance with Eastern Wyoming College policy.
Signature: Date: ________________________________
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