Academic Year: Total fund allocated:
Date Updated:
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical acvity – Chief Medical Ocers guidelines recommend that
primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical acvity a day in school
Percentage of total allocaon:
Intent Implementaon Impact
Your school focus should be clear
what you want the pupils to know
and be able to do and about
what they need to learn and to
consolidate through pracce:
Make sure your acons to achieve
are linked to your intenons:
Evidence of impact: what do
pupils now know and what
can they now do? What has
Sustainability and suggested
next steps:
Key indicator 2: The prole of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement Percentage of total allocaon:
Intent Implementaon Impact
Your school focus should be clear
what you want the pupils to know
and be able to do and about
what they need to learn and to
consolidate through pracce:
Make sure your acons to achieve
are linked to your intenons:
Evidence of impact: what do
pupils now know and what
can they now do? What has
Sustainability and suggested
next steps:
Acon Plan and Budget Tracking
Capture your intended annual spend against the 5 key indicators. Clarify the success criteria and
evidence of impact that you intend to measure to evaluate for pupils today and for the future.
Created by:
Supported by:
To ensure staff are fully aware and trained on
the positive impact of physical activity on mental
health of pupils as well as educate pupils on
stratgies to support their own mental health.
This reflects our school vision that we are a
haven of hope and aspiration.
Adults are able to identify and support those children who are
struggling with anxiety, attachment and other mental health
issues. The inclusion of physical activity is used to help support
emotions. Pupils also recognise the benefit of activity on their
mental health; for example requesting brain breaks to support
learning. This nurture appracoh helps childrn to value
themselves and others.
Staff to continue to use strategies and
ideas from training. New staff to be
briefed on strategies to continue the
high level of support through physical
activity. Next steps playground
improvement project to be undertaken.
Raise the profie of the importance
of physical activity at break time to
simulate mind and support mental
health. Making pupils strong and
Pupils are engaged in various activities at
breaktime to encourage physical activity.
Football is not the only 'sport or activity' played
whichencourages higher participation rates. Our
diverse children enjoy the variety on offer at
break time. They thrive and flourish togther as a
proud community.
This is to continue from Septmber
particularly with the additional sport
apprentices that will be employed to
support the PESSPA profile being
rasied. Nurture and well-being staff
to be allocated to support playtimes.
Level 4 Supporting Pupils
Wellbeing with PE
Staff CPD
PE equipment to be used at
Timetables activities and
Staff CPD