Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
First 5 San Mateo County (F5SMC) has a core strength and long history in developing partnerships
and facilitating collaboration. Our vision of success for every child would not be possible without
the collaboration of our partners throughout the county.
This set of guidelines provides direction for potential community partners interested in receiving
sponsorship for community events. The goal is to sponsor community events that broaden
F5SMC’s reach into the community and focus on the following focus areas as defined in our
strategic plan:
Child Health and Development
Family Engagement
Early Learning
Event Sponsorship Eligibility Criteria
Agencies may request a sponsorship if the event meets the following criteria:
Ties to the focus areas above and are consistent with the Commission’s vision and mission
Targets families/children prenatal to age 5, high priority populations or communities as
defined by F5SMC
Takes place in San Mateo County
Provides F5SMC with advertisement opportunity and/or include F5SMC in promotions prior
to, and during the event (For example: print, radio, web, and televised advertisement and
Provides a booth space for F5SMC staff to participate during the event, if appropriate
Requesting agency coordinates with F5SMC staff to ensure proper crediting policy and
general marketing is consistent with F5SMC standards
The event is designated smoke free
The event is not used to lobby or otherwise attempt to influence legislation.
The event is not used for religious purposes.
The event is not used for fundraising purposes.
Standards for Collaboration
F5SMC will not endorse, directly or through implied endorsement, specific products, services,
educational programs or enterprises.
As a public agency, products developed in collaboration with F5SMC are in the public
Post Event Reporting
Sponsorship recipient will provide F5SMC with event outcomes data including but not limited
to: attendance and participation of other community agencies; attendance of children up to
age 5 and their families; an overall description of the event highlighting the value of
community collaboration and of First 5’s sponsorship investment; A representative from the
requesting Agency may be asked to make a brief presentation at a F5SMC Commission
Organizations and businesses interested in the Event Sponsorship Program must submit the
attached sponsorship request form.
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Requests must be received eight weeks prior to the proposed event date. Applications will be
accepted on a continuous basis as long as funding is available. This is a reimbursement program
and funding will be reimbursed upon completion of the sponsorship requirements.
Submit Questions and/or Sponsorship Requests to:
Myra Cruz, Administrative Secretary III
1700 S. El Camino Real
Suite 405
San Mateo, CA 94402
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Sponsorship Request Form
SECTION A Completed by Requestor
Name of Organization:
Contact Person:
Names of Collaborating Agencies:
1. Date of Event:
2. Location of Event:
3. Which First 5 San Mateo County Commission (F5SMC) Strategic focus area(s) does this
event support and how:
4. Schedule of Event Activities, (include event title, agenda, speakers etc.).
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
5. Target Audience(s):
6. How would this event benefit children 0-5?
7. If you are requesting non-financial sponsorship, explain how you would like the F5SMC
Commission’s support:
If you are requesting funds:
8. Amount requested from the F5SMC Commission:
9. Please indicate purpose of the funding being requested:
10. Please check the type of organization requesting the funds:
Business CBO
Non Profit 501(c)3 Private Agency Public Agency
11. Please list other sponsors (and prospects):
Event Sponsorship Guidelines
Fiscal Year 2019-2020
SECTION B Completed by F5SMC Lead Staff
Staff Name:
Date Request Received:
Has F5SMC Sponsored this event in the past? If YES, when?
SECTION C Completed by F5SMC Fiscal Staff
Account number: _______________________
Are funds available in the F5SMC budget? Yes No
Comments (If needed):
Finance & Administration Manager Date
____________________________________ __________________
Executive Director Date: