Boise State University
Event Expense Summary
For the complete Meals and Refreshments Policy please see #6240.
SECTION I. Payment Method (follow instructions below for specified payment method)
Interdepartmental Charge (University Services): Retain form on file in your department. *
P-Card: Retain form with your department's P-Card records.*
Reimbursement to Employee: attach this form to the Expense Report created in Oracle Financials
Cloud (OFC).
Payment to Supplier: attach this form to an Invoice Payment created in Oracle Financials Cloud
*Forms retained in department may be requested for review by internal and external auditors.
SECTION II. Event Description and Totals
Event held on Campus?
Event Date: Start Time: End Time:
A. Number
of Attendees:
B. Cost of meals/
Cost Per Person: B total
divided by A total
C. Cost of Alcohol for
D. Cost of Other for the
Total Invoice: Add totals
from B, C, and D
* Alcohol may not be charged to P-Card and must be paid from a designated PR fund.
** Other includes items such as: linens, room rental, setup, etc...
SECTION III. Business Purpose and Funding Information
Funding Type:
Appropriated Grant/Restricted
Public Relations
For employee only meals, please certify the Dean or VP pre-approved the expense Yes
*Academic areas require dean’s signature to authorize. Dean’s must have VP signature. VP’s must have President’s signature.
Documentation of approval to be retained in department to be presented in the event of audit.
Enter the Business Purpose for this event in the box below:
In addition to this form please attach the following:
- Invoice or Itemized receipt providing proof of payment
- Agenda, invitation, or flyer
- List of attendees and affiliation
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1. Right click, choose 'Print'
2. Choose 'Save as PDF'
Ver. 2/28/20