Saint Louis University Graduate Education
! ! Revised 2/11
Evaluation of Advanced Standing of a Doctoral Student
with the objective of documenting completed, advanced coursework taken elsewhere that is applicable to the current
doctoral program. Such work may be an integral part of a Master’s degree earned at another university; therefore,
the work would not be written in detail to the SLU permanent record as “transfer credit.” In general, the coursework
is recognized as partially fulfilling post baccalaureate requirements in anticipation of preliminary examinations for
the doctorate. To be eligible for “advanced standing,” the doctoral student named below already must have
completed at least six (6) credit-hours of advanced (SLU) work in residence. Toward updating the student’s record,
you are to fill in the appropriate blanks below and check boxes as warranted. Space is provided on the reverse side
of the form for the detailing of individual, advanced courses and other academic work taken elsewhere that you find
acceptable toward fulfillment of doctoral-degree requirements. If an entire Master’s degree program is acceptable,
then so indicate below. The student may bring the form to you and request the evaluation; if deferment of the
evaluation is desired, check the last box on this side of the form and indicate when you expect to be able to complete
the evaluation. Date and sign the form in the spaces provided on the reverse side, and forward the form to the
Dean/Director of your College/School/Center.
Please print:__________________________________________________________ _______________________
(Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Initial) (Banner ID)
Local Address:_________________________________________________________________________________
(Street, Apt) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
E-mail Address:______________________________________ Local Phone No.____________________________
Academic term of student’s admission to Classified (degree-seeking) status: 20___ ___ ___ ___
Student’s time-period-to-degree expires on ____________________________________, 20_______________
Check this box if the student’s entire master’s degree program from _______________________________
University is acceptable toward partial fulfillment of doctoral-degree requirements.
Check this box if the advanced work previously completed elsewhere is acceptable toward partial
fulfillment of doctoral-degree requirements is listed in detail on the reverse side (page 2) of this form.
Check this box if the advanced-standing evaluation is to be deferred until ________________________.
Saint Louis University Graduate Education
! ! Revised 2/11
Evaluation of Advanced Standing of a Doctoral Student, Page 2
Student’s Name_____________________________________________ ____________________________
(Banner ID)
Check this box if the student did not complete a master’s degree before admission or if not all
academic work completed toward the master’s degree is acceptable for inclusion in the doctoral
program. List the acceptable advanced work below.
Course Identifier
University Where Taken
SLU Course Equivalent*
*If any; indicate, in particular, substitutions for SLU Graduate Education core-courses.
Signed:_______________________________________________________ Date:___________________________
(Chairperson or Program Director)
Signed:_______________________________________________________ Date:___________________________
Comments of the Dean/Director:__________________________________________________________
Copies sent to Student Chairperson/Director AVP Graduate Education on ___________________(Date)