___ Mathematics
___ Reading
___IAS 101 1 First Year Experience
Spiritual Foundation
___IAS 110 3 Foundations of the Christian Liberal Arts
___BIB 110 3 Biblical Literature I
___BIB 210 3 Biblical Literature II
___REL 313 3 Historic Christian Belief
___PHI 413 3 Contemporary Christian Belief
___IAS 495 1 Senior Seminar
Stewardship of the Body
___KIN 100* 2 Fitness for Life
Select one* course from the following:
___EXS 280 1 Exercise Techniques for Physical Fitness
___KIN 200_ 1 General Physical Education
___KIN 250 2 Elementary School Health and Physical Activity
___KIN 300 1 Basic Swimming Skills
___KIN 302 2 Lifeguard Training
___KIN 333 2 Water Safety Instructor
___KIN 334 1 Lifeguard Training Instructor
Note: Pre-Med, Public Health, and Exercise Science students should contact advisor for alternatives.
*Students completing Fitness for Life for 1 credit must select 2 hours to total 3 credit hours.
Fine Arts
Select one of the following:
___HUM 120/320 4 Survey of 20th Century Music and Art
___HUM 230 4 Art as Experience
___HUM 330 4 Arts and Ideas
Note: Art and Music majors/minors should refer to curriculum requirements for alternatives.
Select one of the following:
___ART* ___ 3 Select Art Studio Course (*see catalog for approved courses)
___DAN ___ 3 Dance Technique for the Actor
___HUM 250_ 1 Participation in the Arts
___JRN 332 3 Layout and Design
___MUS ___ 1 Music Ensemble or Lesson (private or class)
Select one of the following:
___CAS 110 3 Public Speaking
___CAS 120 3 Interpersonal Communication
___ ENG 110 3 Expository Writing
Select one history* course (3-5 credit hours).
___HIS* ___ 3-5 ______________________________
*HIS 130, 250, 360, 393, 480, 490 will not meet general education requirement.
*HIS 170, 270, 370 requires departmental approval to meet general education requirement.
Select one of the following:
___COS 104/106 2 Computing and Culture - Applications and Context
___COS 105* 1 Ethics, Computing, and Society
___COS 120 4 Introduction to Computational Problem Solving
___COS 130 3 Computational Problem Solving for Engineers
___EDU 242 3 Educational Technology in Elementary Education
*Course only available to transfer students with an approved computer competency transfer course
Select one of the following:
___MAT 110 3 Finite Mathematics
___MAT 120 3 Investigations in Mathematics
___MAT 140 3 Fundamental Calculus for Applications
___MAT 145 3 Introduction to Functions and Calculus
___MAT 151 4 Calculus I
___MAT 180 3 Problem Solving
___MAT 210 4 Introductory Statistics
___MAT 220 4 Ways of Knowing
___MAT 301-302* 6 Number Concepts for Elementary Teachers and
Geometry and Measurement for Elementary Teachers
___SOC 355 4 Applied Social Statistics
*Student must complete both MAT 301 and 302 to meet mathematics requirement
Select one of the following:
___ENG 230 3 World Literature
___ENG 240 3 American Literature
___ENG 250 3 British Literature
___THR 112 3 Performing Literature
Select two lab science courses totaling at least 7 credit hours from two different groups:
( I ) Life Science
___BIO 100 4 General Biology
___BIO 104 3 Animal Biology
___BIO 106 4 Human Biology
___BIO 201 4 Biology I: Foundations of Cell Biology and Genetics
___BIO 244 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
___CHE 120
4 Forensic Science
___SUS 200 3 Environment and Society
___SUS 231 4 Introduction to Environmental Science
( II ) Physical Science
___CHE 100 4 Chemistry for Living
___CHE 120
4 Forensic Science
___CHE 201 4 General, Organic, and Biochemistry I
___CHE 211 4 College Chemistry I
___PHY 120 4 Renewable Energy Principles
___PHY 203 4 General Physics I
___PHY 211 4-5 University Physics I
( III ) Earth Science
___ENP 345 3 Fundamentals of Space Systems
___ENS 241 4 Physical Geology
___ENS 242 4 Geology of Indiana
___GEO 210 4 Physical Geography
___GEO 240 3 Introduction to Geology
___PHY 201 3-4 Introductory Astronomy
( IV ) Life, Physical, or Earth Science
___NAS 201 3 Nature of Science
Note: Biology Education and Systems Engineering majors, as well as Chemistry and Physics departmental majors
should contact advisor for possible alternatives.
Based upon course section selected, CHE 120 will meet either a life or physical science requirement.
Social Science
Select two courses from two different departments (
reflects department offering).
At least one selection must be a civic engagement course.
( I ) Civic Engagement
___ECO 201
4 Principles of Microeconomics
___ECO 202
3 Principles of Macroeconomics
___EDU 384 1 Perspectives of Diversity
___EXS 346 3 Community Health Education
___FIN 194
3 Personal Finance
___GEO 230
3 Political Geography
___PBH 100
3 Introduction to Public Health
___PBH 110
3 Global Health
___POS 100
3 American Politics
___POS 150
3 World Politics
___POS 213
3 International Political Economy
___POS 331
3 Public Policy
___PSY 315
3 Working with Orphans and Vulnerable Children
___SOC 100
3 Introduction to Sociology
___SOC 110
3 Introduction to Global Societies
___SOC 200
3 Cultural Anthropology
___SOC 210
3 Contemporary Social Issues
___SOC 220
3 Ethnic and Minority Issues
___SOC 315
3 Social Inequality and Stratification
___SOC 410
3 Community and Urban Affairs
___SWK 200
3 Explorations in Social Work
___SWK 320
3 Unleashing the Oppressed
( II ) General Social Science
___GEO 220
4 Regional Geography
___HIS 211/311
3 History and Geography of Latin America
___HIS 212/312
3 History and Geography of East Asia
___HIS 213/313
3 History and Geography of Africa
___HIS 215/315
3 History and Geography of South Asia
___HIS/POS 321
3 Modern Middle East
___IAS 330 3 Human Relations in Organizations
___POS 222
3 Comparative Politics
___POS 312
3 Political Behavior
___PSY 100
3 Introduction to Psychology
___PSY 240
3 Child Psychology
___PSY 250
3 Life Span Development
___PSY 340
3 Adolescent Psychology
___PSY 350
3 Child and Adolescent Psychology
___SOC 310
3 Religion and Society
___SOC 330
3 Social Change and Social Movements
___SOC 361
3 History of Social Thought
___SOC 381
3 Marriage and Family Systems
Integrated Requirements
Selected courses are designed and attributed to meet these requirements.
___Complete one designated cross-cultural (CC) course
___ ___Complete two speaking (SP) courses
Note: Students completing both CAS 110 and CAS 120, must only complete one additional (SP) course.
Foundational Core
Curriculum Requirements
No single Foundational Core course may meet two separate Foundational Core requirements (except CC and SP or as approved by the School CMC and University APC).