EVENT NAME:____________________________________________________________________________________
START DATE:_________________________________ END DATE:_________________________________________
START TIME:__________________________________
CITY:_________________________________________ STATE:____________________________________________
COUNTRY:____________________________________ ZIP:_______________________________________________
REGION:______________________________________ (Country show is held for International shows/Region for North American)
EVENT LEVEL (please check one): □ D □ C □ B □ BB □A □AA
Please return all forms to: NRHA – Member & Show Services Department
3021 W Reno Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73107-5302
Phone: (405) 946-7400
Fax: (405) 946-8425
I hereby agree to adhere to, and abide by NRHA Rules and Regulations, and do guarantee payment of all prize monies to exhibitors within 45 days after
the completion of this event, as well as, agree to forward results to NRHA within 10 days after the completion of this event.
NRHA allows legal entities or individuals to be responsible for the payment of all show-related fees and/or fines owed to NRHA resulting from
an approved NRHA show. This form is used to document the legal entity or individual responsible for payment for the show or event noted on
this form. The legal entity or individual on this form is subject to suspension by NRHA for non-payment of all show related fees and/or show-
related fines owed to NRHA. An individual who signs on behalf of a legal entity, who is not legally authorized to do so, will be held
individually liable for all show-related fees and/or show related fines owed to NRHA.
We acknowledge that because these rules have been established on the basis of experience and fairness to all who are interested in the betterment of
reining horse competitions, the undersigned therefore agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NRHA for any injuries, damages, or claims, of whatever
nature, arising from the performances conducted under NRHA Rules and Regulations.
Legal Entity responsible for payment to NRHA and compliance with all NRHA Rules and Regulations: (must check box)
□ Individual/Sole Proprietor □ Corporation □ Partnership □ Limited Liability Company
□ Affiliate (Direct Billing Contact) □IAP
Name of Legal Entity or Party to be Invoiced:__________________________________________________________
_ State/Country:__________________________________ Postal Code:______________
_ Print Name:____________________________________
Event Approval Summary Form
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