9. Don’t believe everything everyone else
tells you
Your friends Sally and Rich got divorced 4 years ago. She got everything and Rich got nothing, so
you should expect the same outcome. A lot of friends have advice that they want to give you
about what you should be getting from your divorce. Politely accept, but don’t take it to heart.
Truth is, every single divorce is different.
There are different facts, issues, assets and circumstances. While your friends or loved ones are
trying to do right when offering advice, chances are it doesn’t apply. Your consulting attorney
and mediator are very capable and know what they are doing. Let them do their jobs.
10. Know your divorce options
A lot of people don't realize that a convenient, affordable online divorce is even an option. Whether
your divorce is contested or not, you must complete the 20+ mandatory forms required for a
California divorce. We recommend saving $1000s and completing them independently or with the
support of a Hello Divorce legal document assistant - you get the same quality and results without
paying high lawyer fees. The reality of it is that you should only hire an attorney for real legal issues,
advice, negotiations - not simple paperwork.
The average divorce is $27k - per person! The average Hello Divorce divorce is $1500 - per couple.
The other major way to save is through mediation. Mediation is a good alternative to litigation. It is
quicker, more comfortable, and far less costly for all involved. During mediation, the two of you will
meet with one person whose goal is to help the two of you reach agreements on issues in your
divorce. They won’t be able to give you advice, but they will be able to help the two of you navigate
the divorce process and resolve things in a fair manner. You won’t have to be at the mercy of the
Court and a Judge to make decisions for you – you will be able to make them together.
There are several things you can do to prepare for Mediation, too:
a. Be a good listener:
Listen closely and carefully during mediation and speak when it is your turn to speak. Don’t
interrupt your ex. Let them have their say, and you will get your chance as well.
b. Choose a great consulting attorney:
Having an attorney to ‘fall back on’ during mediation helps you stay organized and informed.
(These attorneys do not attend mediation with you; rather, they are someone that you can
contact to help figure out your best and worst case scenarios, gather legal advice, and help
identify legal claims you may be entitled to.) Make sure to interview several different
consulting attorneys and choose wisely. They will be a great asset to you during the
negotiation process.
Find out how Hello Divorce can help you to an affordable, hassle free
divorce. CLICK HERE for a Free Strategy Session.