Essentials to
Understand &
Win at Divorce
The goal of this ebook is to show
you what the divorce process
looks like, help you be informed
so you can make better decisions,
and have you feeling confident
and supported in the process.
At Hello Divorce, we’ve got all the
informative and helpful divorce
resources you need, along with
access to on-demand legal help.
We’re about moving you forward
in the most efficient way possible.
Let’s do this.
The truth is, unless you let go,
unless you forgive yourself, unless
you forgive the situation, unless you
realize that the situation is over,
you cannot move forward.
-Steve Maraboli
With the mental and emotional overwhelm of deciding to divorce, it can be hard
to know where to start. This document contains a list of specific things to do and
documents to gather to protect your interests and be prepared for the
dissolution process.
Costs are one of the biggest divorce concerns. Review these tips to find out how
you can save.
Feeling lost in the complicated divorce process is a stress you don’t need. This
flow chart gives you an easy to understand overview of each step that will be
taken by you, your spouse, and Hello Divorce to complete your divorce.
Here’s the big one! Organize and confirm ALL the info you need for your divorce.
You can use this worksheet to complete your divorce forms online through our
DIY Divorce Navigator or pass the worksheet on to an attorney.
More than ever, it is essential that you care for yourself through this process. And
while divorce can be difficult, it is also an opportunity for growth. Harnessing
your strength and positivity, you will get through this and hopefully realize all the
potential within you.
Tips to make your divorce
easier and less costly.
You’ve made the decision to get divorced. Now you aren’t sure where to start. Getting
through the divorce doesn’t have to be terrible and costly. After all, you don’t want to
work against each other (so much) so that the things you worked hard to earn during
your marriage are depleted. You’d like to get to a swift, amicable and fair resolution.
Here are 10 tips that will help you obtain those goals:
1. Be patient
Patience is likely going to be your most important and invaluable tool during your divorce. The
divorce process can take some time. Don’t expect things to happen overnight. Take the time you
need to digest what is happening, and make sure to think over your options carefully before making
a decision.
2. Be truthful
Honesty is the best policy, especially when dealing with a divorce. You don’t want to ‘sling mud’ or
try to conceal or alter information that you need to disclose during the divorce process. It will make
everything take much longer, and, in the end, will only cost everyone involved more money.
For example: If you fail to disclose an asset that is later discovered by your spouse, s/he could be
awarded 100% of that asset instead of a 50% community property share. Chances are, if you lie, the
‘players’ (Judge, ex, attorney, legal coach, mediator etc.) will find out about it anyhow. Stick to the
truth – it will allow you to obtain the best advice possible, and, in the end, will make for a
smoother process.
3. Be organized
Gather as much documentation related to your divorce as possible. Things like three years of tax
returns, several months of income information, any relevant property information and other
financial information will be very valuable to you when it comes time to negotiate and divide your
property and finances. If you are self-employed, it is important to gather the last three years of
profit and loss statements too. If you were left something from a family member, make sure to
bring documentation proving that it was left to you.
4. Make a list of
what you want
List them in importance to you. Don’t be
afraid to give up something you don’t
want in exchange for something that you
do want. You may want to meet with a
financial planner to get a better sense of
what it is you are working with.
Also, take inventory of what assets and debts you have / what you think you have and get a
list of your monthly expenses together. You will be better equipped to discuss support if you
have a solid idea of your expenses on hand.
5. Be reasonable and ready to compromise
Divorce is stressful, but remember that you need to be reasonable with your expectations. You
aren’t entitled to everything, leaving your ex with nothing. Being reasonable with your expectations
and compromising on things will lessen the animosity and make for a less expensive divorce.
8. Understand your rights
Talk to an independent attorney before attending mediation or starting to negotiate on your own.
Know what you are legally entitled to, and what you aren't. This will ensure that you won’t waste
your time arguing for something you were never going to get in the first place, or lose credibility in
the eyes of your ex, mediator or Judge. The same goes for knowing what the other person is or isn’t
entitled to.
6. Don’t try to ‘punish’ the other person
Doing things to intentionally create conflict or to instigate a fight will only cost you in the end. You
don’t want to spend more time, energy and money trying to get back at the other person. It’s not
worth it and won’t get you anywhere. Stay in integrity, even if the other person isn’t.
7. Check your feelings at the door
It’s easy to get caught up in the emotional side of the divorce–we are all human after all. Try not to
bring your emotions to your negotiations. If you need someone to talk to, check out your local
therapists, or call your closest friends. Unfortunately, divorces are complicated and the more you
think of it as a ‘business deal’, the better off you probably will be.
9. Don’t believe everything everyone else
tells you
Your friends Sally and Rich got divorced 4 years ago. She got everything and Rich got nothing, so
you should expect the same outcome. A lot of friends have advice that they want to give you
about what you should be getting from your divorce. Politely accept, but don’t take it to heart.
Truth is, every single divorce is different.
There are different facts, issues, assets and circumstances. While your friends or loved ones are
trying to do right when offering advice, chances are it doesn’t apply. Your consulting attorney
and mediator are very capable and know what they are doing. Let them do their jobs.
10. Know your divorce options
A lot of people don't realize that a convenient, affordable online divorce is even an option. Whether
your divorce is contested or not, you must complete the 20+ mandatory forms required for a
California divorce. We recommend saving $1000s and completing them independently or with the
support of a Hello Divorce legal document assistant - you get the same quality and results without
paying high lawyer fees. The reality of it is that you should only hire an attorney for real legal issues,
advice, negotiations - not simple paperwork.
The average divorce is $27k - per person! The average Hello Divorce divorce is $1500 - per couple.
The other major way to save is through mediation. Mediation is a good alternative to litigation. It is
quicker, more comfortable, and far less costly for all involved. During mediation, the two of you will
meet with one person whose goal is to help the two of you reach agreements on issues in your
divorce. They won’t be able to give you advice, but they will be able to help the two of you navigate
the divorce process and resolve things in a fair manner. You won’t have to be at the mercy of the
Court and a Judge to make decisions for you – you will be able to make them together.
There are several things you can do to prepare for Mediation, too:
a. Be a good listener:
Listen closely and carefully during mediation and speak when it is your turn to speak. Don’t
interrupt your ex. Let them have their say, and you will get your chance as well.
b. Choose a great consulting attorney:
Having an attorney to ‘fall back on’ during mediation helps you stay organized and informed.
(These attorneys do not attend mediation with you; rather, they are someone that you can
contact to help figure out your best and worst case scenarios, gather legal advice, and help
identify legal claims you may be entitled to.) Make sure to interview several different
consulting attorneys and choose wisely. They will be a great asset to you during the
negotiation process.
Find out how Hello Divorce can help you to an affordable, hassle free
divorce. CLICK HERE for a Free Strategy Session.
File Form FL141
Both Parties Prepare Financial
Disclosures and Discovery
Choose Your Adventure
Depending on Your Relationship
with Your Spouse
Petitioner Prepares Financial
Agree or Work on
File Judgment, Forms
and Optional Marital
Settlement Agreement
Submit Request for
Default Judgment and
Lawyer Up
Negotiate Outside
of Court
File Judgment &
Shared Goal of Amicable
Divorce with Outside Help?
Complicated Issues,
Combative Spouse
and/or Cautious?
Shared Goal of
Amicable Divorce?
Spouse Absent or
Mediator Prepares
and Files Forms and
California Divorce Process Flow Chart
File Petition and Summons and
UCCJEA (For Kids)
Hello Divorce Helps With:
Legal Coaching
DIY Divorce
(Divorce Navigator)
Resources & Articles
Flat Fee Legal Help
Did Spouse File Response
within 30 Days?
Serve on Spouse
File Request for Order if
Temporary Orders are Needed
(e.g. Child Custody or Spousal
Written Agreement or
Court Order
File Form FL141
Need help? Legal advice? Hello Divorce can help make your process hassle free and affordable. CLICK HERE for a free strategy session.
Hello Divorce
You are starting your divorce and from where you stand the road looks long and
likely a bit uncertain. This worksheet will help you create a plan for the road ahead
by organizing and considering the issues you may need to address and resolve in
order to nalize your divorce.
Essential Info
This general information will need to be considered as you work with your spouse to
resolve all of the issues below.
When did you and your spouse get married?
List you and your spouse’s income from all sources. If you are a W-2 employee, this
answer may be simple. If one parent is self-employed or earns income from other
sources, it may be a bit more complicated.
Your spouse:
What proportion of your income is derived from earnings and investments, respectively?
_______________________ Investments: _______________________
Your spouse:
_______________________ Investments: _______________________
Do you have children with your spouse?
No (Skip to Issue #3)
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Issue #1: Child Custody and Visitation
Sole legal custody
Joint legal custody
Will you be requesting sole physical custody or joint physical custody (meaning
signicant periods of time with both parents)?
Sole legal custody
Joint legal custody
Are you and your spouse able to work together to make decisions?
Are there tools that might help you become better at communicating or making
I don't know
Are there issues about the other parent that would justify a request for sole legal
custody? (Need more information about what might warrant such an award of custody?
Hello Divorce oers legal services to help you!)
I don't know
Do you and your spouse parent well with each other?
Does it make sense to have a more specic schedule detailed in an enforceable
order or would you prefer more exibility? (If you and your spouse do not parent well
together, a specic schedule detailed in an enforceable order will save time and energy
in the long run.)
Specic schedule detailed in an enforceable order
Flexible arrangement
There are two types of custody – legal and physical. Physical custody and visitation
refer to where the children will live. Legal custody addresses who will have the
authority to make decisions regarding the education, health and welfare of
your child(ren).
CLICK HERE for everything you need to know about kids & divorce.
Will you be requesting joint or sole legal custody?
Need help? Legal advice? Hello Divorce can help make your process hassle free and affordable.
CLICK HERE for a Free Strategy Session.
How old are your children?
(The age of the children will inuence how long they may (or may not) be able to
go without seeing the other parent. As children get older, parents often prefer
longer stretches of time with the child (such as an alternating week schedule) but
for young children sometimes a schedule that alternates every couple of days or
provides the non custodial parent with a dinner visit and alternating weekends
works better.)
Children and their ages:
Have you historically been the primary caretaker for your children? (For example, did
you take them to the doctor or dentist; parent/teacher conferences; soccer etc.)
Do you or your spouse have another child (or other children) that your child(ren)
have a relationship with?
Does your child have any special needs that would impact the schedule?
(For example, maybe transitions are particularly dicult, perhaps one home is closer to
the tutor the child sees two days a week, or maybe he plays baseball on a traveling team
and is gone with the team (and Dad) most weekends.)
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CLICK HERE for a Free Strategy Session.
Do the child or children have a preference on living/visiting arrangements?
Which parent?
Do both you and your spouse live within a reasonable distance of school and extra-
curricular activities? (If not, a schedule that minimizes commutes and concentrates
time might be preferable.)
Do both you and your spouse work? If so, do you both have a regular schedule?
Is there a way to capitalize on one parent’s availability when the other parent is
at work? (For example, if one parent works weekends and the other doesn’t,
it might work well to craft a visitation schedule that assigns weekends to the
non-weekend-working parent and weekdays to the other.)
Is one household more stable than the other?
Which household?
Are both parents available to ensure participation in extracurricular activities?
Which parent is available?
What type of discipline is used at both households?
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You will also need to develop a schedule for sharing holidays. Some families assign
only big holidays (like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break). Other families
assign all the holidays from three day weekends to 4th of July to Halloween.
Note: You can nd a helpful list of many of the Holidays you might
want to consider on form FL-341(C)
In developing a holiday schedule you might want to consider:
Does one parent celebrate any special holidays with the child or children that the
other parent doesn’t?
Which holidays with which parent?
With you:
With your spouse:
Are there any religious or holiday traditions that one parent observes that the
other doesn’t?
Which traditions and which parent?
Traditions only you observe:
Traditions only your spouse observes:
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Are there any holidays or events that are really important to you? (Maybe you have
a huge Christmas Eve family event every year or maybe there is an annual camping
trip on Memorial Day weekend.)
Issue #2: Child Support
Child support in California is determined using a state mandated calculator.
The amount of support awarded depends on:
You and your spouse’s incomes (listed in Essential Info, above)
Length of marriage (listed in Essential Info, above)
Other factors
In order to calculate guideline support, you will need to consider:
Timesharing: What percentage of time does each parent spend with the child(ren)?
Your spouse:
Which parent pays for health insurance for the child or children and how much is it?
Which parent pays for child care for the child or children and how much is it? Is
there an agreement for how the cost will be shared?
CLICK HERE for our convenient child support calculator
Need help? Legal advice? Hello Divorce can help make your process hassle free and affordable.
CLICK HERE for a Free Strategy Session.
Do either you or your spouse earn bonuses or other non-cash compensation like
stock options? If so, how much have they been in the past and when are they
usually received? Are the bonuses performance based? Have past bonuses been
consistent and regular or more sporadic?
Is there an agreement about how uninsured/uncovered health care costs and
extracurricular activity costs will be shared? What activities do the children
participate in and how much are they? Do any of the children have special medical
needs/expenses that aren’t covered?
What will each parent’s tax ling status be? (You may need to talk to your tax
professional about this.)
Your tax ling status:
Your spouse’s tax ling status:
Which parent will be entitled to claim the child or children as dependents each year
for tax purposes? Will you each claim one child (if two children)? Will you alternate
Does one parent need to seek work or go back to school for training? How long is
that expected to take and what is the plan?
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Issue #3: Spousal Support
Do you or your spouse need help to maintain your lifestyle (referred to as the
marital standard of living by the Court)? If so, an award of spousal support may be
appropriate. Spousal support is tax deductible to the pay or and taxable as income
by the support recipient.
You and your spouse’s incomes (listed in Essential Info, above)
Length of marriage (listed in Essential Info, above)
Standard of living
Living expenses
Other factors
Will you or your spouse be requesting spousal support?
What was your lifestyle during the marriage? Consider the type of home you owned
or rented, cars you purchased, vacations you took (frequency and cost).
Is either you or your spouse paying for any of the other’s living expenses?
Who is paying for the other’s living expenses? ___________________
Are both you and your spouse working?
Which one of you is not working?
How long does the one of you not working anticipate they
will need to nd employment _____________________________
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Do either you or your spouse need additional education or training in order to
re-enter the workforce?
Which of you?
Did either you or your spouse take time from the workforce during the marriage to
take care of the home/family?
Which of you?
Did either you or your spouse earn their degree, certicate, or receive training for
their career during the marriage?
Which of you?
How much money will you each need to maintain their lifestyle?
Your spouse: ______________________________________________
How much longer do you and your spouse anticipate working?
Your spouse: ______________________________________________
Does either you or your spouse have any health issues that impair their ability
to work?
Which of you?
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Issue #4: Attorney and Mediator Fees
A judge may require that you or your spouse pay attorney fees and legal costs to
the other party. Even if you don’t end up having to go to court, you might need
the assistance of an attorney to help you with the process, prepare documents or
provide advice. The biggest factor here is whether or not one spouse has greater
access to money (from earnings, asset or credit) to pay for the attorney fees of
both parties.
Do you and your spouse have equal ability to pay? Do you both have equal access
to funds/loans/credit cards?
Your spouse: ______________________________________________
Is your spouse willing to negotiate and/or cooperate?
Are either you or your spouse frustrating the settlement process?
What are the living expenses and assets of both you and your spouse?
Your living expenses:
Your spouse’s living expenses:
Your assets:
Your spouse’ assets:
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Will either you or your spouse leave the marriage with signicantly more assets?
Which party?
Issue #5: Assets and Debt Division
All the assets you and your spouse accumulated and all of the debts that accrued
during marriage are called community property. As part of your divorce, they will
need to be identied and divided. This section will help you think through the assets
and debts you may have and the information you will need to gather.
Do you have a prenuptial agreement or post-nuptial agreement? These agreements
may signicantly impact who property and debts are divided. If yes, state the main
terms of the agreement:
State the main terms of the agreement:
Do you own real property?
No (Skip to Pensions, IRAs, Retirement, and Employee Benet Accounts Below)
Note: You will need to answer these questions for every piece of real
property you and your spouse own.
How is the property titled? (Whose name is on the grant deed?)
When was the property acquired?
How was the property acquired (inherited, purchased)?
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Is the mortgage in one or both parties names?
Has the property been renanced?
Where did the down payment come from?
You or your spouse’s earnings during the marriage?
How much?
Source? ____________________________________________
Gift from family member(s) or friend(s)?
To both parties or one party alone?
Separate property down payment from either you or
your spouse alone?
How much? ________________________________________
Source? ____________________________________________
Have there been many improvements made to the property?
How were they paid for?
Who made those improvements?
How much money was invested in those improvements?
Who has been making the mortgage payments?
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Types of Accounts When Opened
Where have the mortgage payments been coming from?
Payments made from a community account
What account? _____________________________________
Either you or your spouse’s separate account
What account? _____________________________________
Does either party intend to continue living in the property?
Can that party qualify to renance the property?
Will the property be sold?
What, if anything, needs to be done to the property in
order to sell it?
Who will be responsible for maintaining the property
(mortgage, HOA, taxes, repairs) until the divorce is nal?
Pensions, IRAs, Retirement, and Employee Benefit Accounts
What accounts do you have and when were they opened?
_________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. _________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
5. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
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Balance at Time of Marriage Balance at Date of Separation/Now
6. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
7. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
8. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
9. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
10. _______________________________________ __________________________________________
What was the balance of those accounts at the time of marriage and at the date of
________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
5. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
6. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
7. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
8. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
9. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
10. _______________________________________ __________________________________________
Are you or your ex currently collecting retirement or pension?
Are there any outstanding loans on any of the accounts?
Who took out those loans?
What were the funds used for?
Who is paying back the loan?
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What vehicles do you and your partner own or lease?
When were those vehicles obtained?
How were those vehicles acquired?
Was (were) the vehicle(s) a gift to one party or to both parties?
Source of funds used to purchase the vehicle(s)?
When were those vehicles obtained?
How much is owed on the vehicle(s)?
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Checking, Savings & Money Market Accounts
List each account that you and your partner have in your names individually, jointly
with each other and jointly with others
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________
When were each of these accounts opened (before or during the marriage)? Who
opened each account – you or your spouse?
1. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
5. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
6. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
7. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
8. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
9. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
10. _______________________________________ __________________________________________
Was there money in each account at the time of marriage? How much?
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
When Opened By Whom
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7. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Who has contributed to each account and where did the funds come from to
contribute to each of the accounts?
1. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
5. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
6. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
7. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
8. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
9. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
10. _______________________________________ __________________________________________
Who Contributed Source of Funds
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Life Insurance
List each life insurance policy that you and your partner have
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
When were these policies acquired (before or during the marriage) and by you or
your spouse?
1. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
5. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
Are there any loans against any of the policies?
When were those loans taken out?
Who took the loans out?
What were the funds used for?
When Taken Out By Whom
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Businesses & Partnerships
List all businesses or partnerships that you or your spouse own
(together or individually)
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
When was each business started or acquired? What is the nature of each business?
________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
What was or is either party’s role in each business?
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Who will keep each business?
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
What is the estimated value of each business? (If you know)
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
List each loan, credit card debt, student loan etc. that you and your ex have –
including those in your joint and individual names.
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
When Started or Acquired Nature of Business
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3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________
When were those debts acquired? Who acquired the debt (you or your spouse)?
What were the funds used for?
1. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
2. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
3. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
4. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
5. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
6. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
7. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
8. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
9. ____________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
10.___________________________ __________________________ ____________________________
Who has paid down which debts and what source did the money come from to pay
down the debts?
1. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
2. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
5. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
6. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
7. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
8. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
When Acquired Who Acquired What Used For
Who Paid Down Where Funds Came From
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9. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
10. _______________________________________ __________________________________________
Who will keep each debt?
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Should one party receive a reimbursement or equalization payment for taking on
more debt?
Who & how much?
Additional Property and Debt Considerations
Will there be any tax consequences for proposed transfers of assets?
I don't know
Will you le joint tax returns for this year (assuming your divorce will not be nal
this year):
I don't know
Need help? Legal advice? Hello Divorce can help make your process hassle free and affordable.
CLICK HERE for a Free Strategy Session.
You’re Finished!
Congratulations on making it through this worksheet. You’ve compiled the
necessary information to complete the divorce process. Do something
nice for yourself to celebrate!
Will your spousal support orders trigger any tax consequences (other than being tax
deductible to the pay or spouse and taxable to the payee spouse)?
I don't know
Will you be dividing the property or debt 50/50? If not, will one spouse be paid an
equalization payment? How will that payment be made?
The more you know, the more in control you’ll feel. CLICK HERE to strategize your divorce.
1. Plan and commit to dedicated time for you.
Open your calendar and block out at least one hour, right now. Block this time on
every single electronic and paper calendar you use. Do not cancel or shift this
time commitment!
Even better: can you make this time commitment a recurring event? If so, do it.
2. An important chapter in your life has just come to a close. Think about the
next version of you that you want to become. What cues or inspiration can
you take from those around you to be the next best version of yourself?
Name three people who inspire you.
(e.g. a friend, relative, celebrity, colleague, etc.)
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
What is it that inspires you about these three people?
List three qualities about each that you admire: (e.g. their drive, their honesty,
trustworthiness, an amazing sense of style, ability to keep cool under pressure, etc.)
“If you’re not here yet, and it feels too far away to think about the kind
of person you want to be in your next chapter, scale back the vision.
Think instead about what you need now to survive the day.”
Annie Wright, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Person 1:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
Person 2:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
Person 3:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
“Mental health is every single bit as important as physical health. In
assigning mental health the importance it deserves, it can make it far
easier and more motivating to seek out and build supports to manage
your own mental health.”
Annie Wright, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Annie Wright Psychotherapy
3. Thinking about the next version of you, identify one major goal you want to
achieve in the next six months that will help you feel more grounded,
secure and more like the “you” that you want to be:
In the next six months, I want to: _____________________________________________________
4. Now, identify the rst step you need to take in your journey to reach that
goal. How do you need to feel? What do you need to learn? What rst action do you
need to take?
The rst step I need to take is:
5. To help you take that rst step, circle the type of self-care you feel you need
now to make that rst step:
Sanity: You need focus and time to process. You need to feel like it’s not just
you against the world.
Balance: You’re feeling o-kilter and want to settle yourself. You need some
grounding and a good dose of reality.
Comfort: You need some TLC, stat. Bring on the comfort food, the fuzzy
blanket and a hug.
Positive Energy: You’re feeling down and really need a pick-me-up. You need
a good dose of positivity to jump start your engine.
Inspiration: You need a little wisdom and motivation. A tiny spark from
someone or something that can light your internal re again.
Now, write the category you’ve selected in the blank lines in the next section below.
6. Create a menu of activities to help you get the type of care you want:
Think back to the year before you were married. List ve activities you loved to do
that helped you feel (insert your answer from question 5) .
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Think back to your teenage years and list ve activities from that time that you
loved to do that helped you feel (insert your answer from question 5) .
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Put yourself in the shoes of the three people you listed in question #2, who inspire
you. List ve activities you think (or know) they engage in to help themselves feel
happy, fullled and on the right track.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Good job! Now you’ve got a list of 15 potential ways to meaningfully ll the time
you’ve already committed to yourself.
“What do you need to take care of your body right now? What nourishes your
body and soul when you have a few free hours? Remember: self-care doesn’t
always look like sleep, yoga or green juice. Maybe self-care is a round of golf
or game night with the guys; maybe it’s booking an international trip if you
haven’t traveled in a few years, or maybe it’s nally treating yourself to that
leather motorcycle jacket you’ve had your eye on.”
Annie Wright, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
7. Review your activity menu. Pick three activities that feel manageable with
in the time frame you have blocked for yourself. Rank them in order from
most to least appealing.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
8. Looking at these three activities, how will each one help you take that rst
step toward your larger goal?
9. Choose the activity that will help you take the best rst step forward. Add
it to your calendar right now.
Congratulations! You’ve made time to take care of you, and you’ve got a plan for
how to ll that time.
10. Implement. Repeat.
For more resources, tips and advice on wellness during and post divorce,
visit Annie Wright Psychotherapy or view our collection of
Hello Divorce Lifestyle Resources.
Activity 1: ________________________________
Activity 2: ________________________________
Activity 3: ________________________________
How it will help: _________________________
How it will help: _________________________
How it will help: _________________________
Looking for more info on a certain topic or have specific
questions? We’ve got plenty of resources at
hellodivorce.com, but we also welcome you to
schedule a free 15 minute strategy call to learn about
our DIY Divorce and Divorce with Benefits options - or,
schedule a legal coaching session for legal advice
and/or concerns.
We are here to help!