SWM Application Form & Checklist Page 16 of 17 SWPPP Dated:
Project Name: Plans Dated:
Tax / Parcel No(s): Submittal Number:
☐ Stormwater Conveyance Systems
o Plan views
Δ Storm drain lengths, sizes, types, classes and slopes for all segments. Label directly
on plan or use a structure/pipe schedule.
Δ Structure (inlets, manholes, junctions, end sections, etc.) information shall be
provided for each structure and include, but not limited to, a unique identifier, rim
elevation, pipe inverts and sizes, type, and required grate type or top unit and
lengths labeled.
Δ Adequate horizontal clearance from other site utilities or structures.
o Profiles are generally not required but are encouraged to expedite review. If not
provided, ensure all pipe segments have adequate minimum cover, do not exceed
maximum depths of cover for the type/class of pipe specified and do not conflict with
other site utilities or excavation areas.
o Details
Δ Typical storm drain bedding details or reference note.
Δ Typical pipe and/or underdrain details or reference note.
Δ Standard details or reference note for all purposed access structure types (inlets,
manholes, junctions, etc.).
Δ Inlet shaping detail or applicable reference note.
Δ Step detail or applicable reference note (if depth of 4 feet or more).
Δ Typical open channel details with designation, location, shape, type, bottom width,
top width, lining, slope, length, side slope, and installation depth required for
construction. Channel design data as necessary may also be included.
Δ Outlet protection at all pipe outfalls.
☐ Stormwater Management Facilities (Best Management Practices – BMPs)
o Plan views
Δ Location and dimensions of proposed stormwater conveyance systems and BMPs
with appropriate labeled construction data and information.
Δ Location and dimensions of pretreatment devices, as required by the BMP
Clearinghouse specifications for the selected county BMP facility type.
Δ Delineation of permanent pool(s) and 1-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year design water surface
Δ Emergency spillway level and outlet channel section
o Details: Provide cross-section and details, as suggested in the VA DEQ Stormwater
Design Specification provided on the Virginia BMP Clearinghouse website.
o Notes: Provide notes, as suggested in the VA DEQ Stormwater Design Specification
provided on the Virginia BMP Clearinghouse website, including the following: