Health/Special Needs Information
1. Is the participant taking any medication (oral, inhaler, injection, auto-injectors, prescription, non-prescription)?
Yes No
If yes, please complete the Medication Administration Request Form
2. Does the participant have any life-threatening allergies?
Yes No
If yes, please specify:
3. Does the participant have any disease or condition for which they are receiving on-going medical treatment?
Yes No
If yes, please specify:
5. Does the participant have a medical condition or disability (physical, mental health or developmental) that may affect their
participation or integration into the program?
Yes No
If yes or if registered in an Inclusive Recreation program, please note below AND complete APPENDIX A.
If YES, it is necessary for you contact the Admin Clerk, Inclusive Recreation Unit at (613) 580-2424 extension 29283 to discuss program
and support requirements prior to registration.
Please allow two weeks prior to program start date. For detailed contact information please refer to www.ottawa.ca
If yes, please specify:
4. Does the participant receive support at school or have an accommodation?
Yes No
If yes, please specify:
If yes, please complete the Medication Administration Request Form
Permission to Participate, Assumption of Risks, Waiver of Liability & Indemnification Obligation
Please read carefully. By signing this document, you will be assuming risks and waiving certain rights.
Permission to Participate:
I, as the parent or legal guardian of the participant named above, confirm that this individual is a minor pursuant to the Age of Majority &
Accountability Act, and provide permission for them to participate in the program or activity noted above. I also confirm that I have been
provided with the Conditions of Enrolment for this activity, and agree with these conditions.
Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability: COVID-19
When children from multiple families attend a recreation program, there is an increased risk of the COVID-19 virus coming into the
program. Children who are infected with the COVID-19 virus are more likely than adults to have very mild infections or to have no
symptoms at all, but these children can still transmit the infection to other children and to adults at the program. This means that children
can bring home an infection acquired in a program and put other persons at risk. The program screening process will not detect infected
children or adults who do not have symptoms at the time of screening.
•All individuals, including participants, staff, and visitors must be screened daily upon arrival at program setting prior to entry.
•For COVID-19 specifically, anyone who fits any of the criteria below will not be allowed into the facility/program and will needto self-
isolate for a period of 14 days or as directed below related to management of symptoms:
•Symptoms outlined below, from the Ministry of Health's `COVID-19 Reference Document for Symptoms':
1. Fever (temperature of 37.8 degrees C or greater), new or worsening cough, shortness of breath.
2. Other symptoms - sore throat, difficulty swallowing, new olfactory or taste disorder(s), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal pain, runny nose, or nasal congestion (in absence of underlying reason for these symptoms such as
seasonalallergies, postnasal drip, etc.).
3. Other signs - clinical or radiological evidence of pneumonia.