One College Drive
Calais, ME 04619
Enrollment & Student Services 207-454-1034
Instate: 800-210-6932
Fax: 207-454-1092
Request for Directed/Independent Study
Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: ___________________________ M.I.: _________
Mailing Address: _______________________________ City: ________________ State: _______ Zip: ______
Phone Number: _____________________________ Cell Phone Number: ______________________________
Cell phone carrier: US Cellular Verizon AT & T Tracfone Other __________ Text Updates: ___Yes ___No
Student ID #: ___________________ Email address: ______________________________________________
Expected Date of Graduation: _________________ Accumulated GPA: _______ Accumulated Credits: ______
Advisor: ________________________________________________
Directed/Independent Study Policy
Directed/Independent Study - the taking of a catalog course under the supervision of an instructor outside of a
regularly scheduled class, is available to students at WCCC under certain circumstances. A student within 15
semester hours of graduation in a one year program or within 30 semester hours of gradation, in a two year
program, with an accumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher may be eligible for a maximum of 6 semester hours in
an approved directed study or studies. A directed study may be approved for a matriculated student when it is
evident that the course(s) will not be offered as part of the regular semester schedule, resulting in a
postponement of completion of the student’s program, which would ordinarily be completed in that term. A
directed study may also be approved if a required course conflicts in the schedule with another program
requirement. In rare circumstances, students who do not meet these eligibility requirements may apply in
writing for a directed study to the Academic Dean.
In addition, applicants for a directed study must either meet the prerequisite(s) of the course for which they
apply or obtain the instructor’s permission to take a directed/independent study, completed the below
information and obtained appropriate signatures and be approved prior to registration for the directed study;
copies of all written materials used for evaluation purposes must be submitted with a final grade report Donna
Geel, Assistant to the Academic Dean. Permission for directed study is granted at the discretion of the Instructor
and the Academic Dean.
Standard tuition and fee rates apply.
Independent Study Proposal __________________________________________________ _____________
Course Code & Title Credit Hours
Non-Discrimination Policy
: Washington County Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and employer.
For more information; please call Tatiana Osmond, Affirmative Action Officer, at 454-1094.
FC Form Directed Independent Study Contract
Revised: July 8, 2019; amd
One College Drive
Calais, ME 04619
Enrollment & Student Services 207-454-1034
Instate: 800-210-6932
Fax: 207-454-1092
Non-Discrimination Policy
: Washington County Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and
employer. For more information; please call Tatiana Osmond, Affirmative Action Officer, at 454-1094.
FC Form Directed Independent Study Contract
Revised: July 8, 2019; amd
Statement of the Study (briefly describe the study project):
Statement of Reason (Briefly describe your need for an independent/directed study):
Topical Outline (Provide a topical outline of the study activity or attach syllabus):
Date Project Begins: ____________________________Date Project Ends:_____________________________
This form must be completed and submitted to Anne Donahue, Coordinator of Enrollment & Student
Services within three weeks of the start of the semester in which the course is to be completed.
I hereby apply for a directed study course listed below. All prerequisite conditions for the directed study have
been met, or the Academic Dean has granted a waiver. I have completed an Independent Study Contract and if
reason for a waiver was requested and granted, the waiver is attached.
Student Signature: ________________________________________________________Date:______________
Advisor Signature: ________________________________________________________Date:______________
Instructor Signature: _____________________________________________________Date:_______________
Academic Dean Use Only
__________ Approved __________ Denied
Academic Dean Signature: _______________________________________________Date:________________
One College Drive
Calais, ME 04619
Enrollment & Student Services 207-454-1034
Instate: 800-210-6932
Fax: 207-454-1092
Non-Discrimination Policy
: Washington County Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and
employer. For more information; please call Tatiana Osmond, Affirmative Action Officer, at 454-1094.
FC Form Directed Independent Study Contract
Revised: July 8, 2019; amd
For Office Use Only
Processed: __________________ __________________
Initials Date