The Enrollment Appeal process allows students who have experienced extenuating circumstances that prevented them from attending classes,
completing course obligations, and/or satisfying their nancial obligation to the College, to request:
• Financial Action: May be a refund, waiver of charges or course voucher for course(s) a student was unable to complete
• Academic Action:
> Removal of course(s) from academic transcript due to veried nonattendance; OR
> Retroactive withdrawal from course(s).
See the full Enrollment Appeal Policy here.
1. Did you experience an extenuating circumstance, such as:
• Serious medical issue, illness, injury;
• Death of an immediate family member; or
• Undue or unforeseen hardship?
2. Did you meet with a member of the Academic Advising Center to conrm this is the appropriate action and to complete course withdrawal
paperwork if possible?
3. If you answered YES to the above questions then you must submit the following required materials to the Academic Advising Center within
180 calendar days (6 months) of the end of the semester being appealed.
• Enrollment Appeal Form (see reverse).
• Clear, type-written, signed and dated letter, which:
> Explains the extenuating circumstances; and
> Species the request (i.e. removal of specic course OR specic charges).
• Documentation of the extenuating circumstance, such as:
> Ofcial, signed letter from medical provider stating circumstances, treatment dates, and whether condition prevented the student from
nishing class(es);
> Accident report;
> Copy of death certicate or obituary; or
> Other documentation of undue or unforeseen hardship.
• See the full Enrollment Appeal Policy here for specic documentation requirements.
Students may submit only one Enrollment Appeal for one semester for as long as they attend BCC.
You must meet with an Advising Center staff member and may be required to meet with other Enrollment Management staff, the Course Instructor
or the Dean.
The U.S. Department of Education mandates a specic refund calculation if a student receives any form of nancial aid and has withdrawn from all
coursework. Depending on the nancial aid that has been received, the student may be responsible for repaying some or all of the aid back to the
College if s/he elects to withdraw— regardless of circumstances.
The College is under no obligation to refund charges after the Add/Drop period is over. Health insurance charges, bookstore purchases, registration
fees and any refund checks are NOT subject to appeal and refund.
The Enrollment Appeals Committee, Enrollment Services staff and the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will review
appeals involving nancial actions.
Decisions are sent via mail and email within approximately 45 calendar days.
Rev. Dec 2019
Enrollment Appeal