CSU Chico University Advancement and University Foundation
Endowment Guidelines (non-scholarship)
Endowment Project #
New Date Initiated
Date Revised Fund Designation:
NOTE: please complete only the fields requiring revision
Division Code College/Division
1) Name of Endowment:
In the event this specific program ceases to exist, the California Probate Code Section 18501-18510 "Uniform Prudent
Management of Institutional Funds Act" will be followed in requesting any change of use.
3) Donor Funding and Account
TRUE ENDOWMENT 8000 project number for restricted funds - $10,000 minimum starting balance
True endowments will be based on a percentage of the average annual value of the fund as determined by The University Foundation Board of Governors and
consistent with its endowment spending policy (see attached). The gift principal remains intact,unless the donor gives express written consent that principal may
be used during times when annual earnings are not sufficient to make an annual allocation.
I/We DO give consent I/We DO NOT give consent to use the principal as stated above in "TRUE ENDOWMENTS"
Donor Signature: Donor Signature:
QUASI ENDOWMENT 8000 project number funds for restricted funds - $10,000 minimum starting balance
Quasi endowments are determined by the University Foundation Board of Governors. These endowments permit the spending
of the principal for the purposes as stated within these guidelines.
TERM ENDOWMENT 8000 project number funds for restricted funds- $10,000 minimum starting balance
Term endowments are temporary and permit the spending of principal after the specified “term” of the gift by the donors. Until the term is reached,
scholarships will be based on a percentage of the average annual earnings as determined by The University Foundation Board of Governors. Terms can
be for a period of time, a designated event, or when a specified level of growth is reached.
FLEXIBLE ENDOWMENT 8000 project number funds for restricted funds
Flexible endowments allow the donor to fund an endowment over a period of time. Annual gifts will be made to provide at least the minimum amount that the
endowment would generate if it were in place. Concurrently, donor may make gifts to the endowment to build the principal. A written agreement will be made
between the donor, department and administration on the details of the endowment.
4) Endowment Criteria