For all questions, provide all additional required information in the space provided or on a separate sheet.
Ensure full name and social security number is on an attachment(s) to this application.
1) In the last five years, have you been arrested for, charged with, convicted of, been imprisoned, been
on probation, or been on parole for any offense(s)? Include all offenses where you have been found guilty,
pled guilty or nolo contendere (no contest). (Leave out traffic fines of less than $150.00.) Yes No
2) Have you been convicted of a felony within the last five years? Yes No
3) Have you been convicted by a military court-martial in the past five years? Yes No
4) Are you now under charges for any violation of law? Yes No
5) During the last five years, have you been fired from any job for any reason, did you quit after being told
that you would be fired, or did you leave any job by mutual agreement because of specific problems?
Yes No
6) Have you ever been arrested for or charged with a crime involving a child? Yes No
If you have answered yes to any question(s) please give question(s) number and explain below.
If you are offered and accept employment with the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, you will be required to take a urine test for
Drug/Alcohol use as a condition of employment. The purpose of the Drug test is to ensure a Drug Free Working Environment.
I, ______________________________ , have been fully informed by my potential employer of the reason for this urine test for Drug/Alcohol. I
understand what I am being tested for, the procedure involved and freely give my consent. I also understand the results of this test will be sent to my
prospective employer. I authorize these test results to be released to the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Drug Free Workplace Officer.
Signature of Applicant
I certify that all of the statements made in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. They are made in
good faith. I understand that a false answer to any question in this application may be used as grounds for not employing me, or for dismissing me,
after I begin work.
I hereby authorize any person, school, current employer (except as previously noted), past employers, and organizations named in this application
form (or related documentation or interview) to provide the Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes Personnel Department with any information and opinion
requested in connection with any application, and I release such persons and organizations from any legal liability for making such statements.
Signature of Applicant