Complete information for job-related skills only
Physical Plant — List Craft Skills:
Do you have a current ME driver’s license? Yes No
Have you ever resigned from a prior employment or volunteer position after a complaint
has been received against you or your conduct was under investigation or review?
Yes No
Have you ever been dismissed or discharged for misconduct from an employment or
volunteer position? Yes No
Disclosures to these questions are not necessarily a bar to employment.
Are you 18 years or older? Yes No
If under 16, a work permit must be issued through local
school district.
Have you ever been disciplined by a professional or
licensing board? Yes No
Please complete information for three professional references, excluding relatives, including a minimum of one current or former supervisor.
Candidates will be notified prior to references being contacted.
I certify that the information provided on this application (and accompanying resume, if applicable) is true and complete to the best of my
I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the contacting of references and previous employers. I release such persons and
all parties from liability for communications involving my potential employment.
I understand that my application for employment with the Maine Community College System (“MCCS”) may be subject to public disclosure.
I understand that neither this application nor any offer of employment from the MCCS constitute an employment contract unless a specific
document to that effect is executed in writing by both the MCCS and me.
I understand that if employed, my employment is for no specified period of time and may be ended by either myself or by the MCCS at any
If employed, I understand that false or misleading information provided in my application, resume or interview(s) may result in immediate
I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the MCCS.
________________________________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature Date
Kennebec Valley Community College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution and employer.
For more information, please call 207-453-5019.
Revised 09/2019
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