Military Service or Family Preference
If other than Honorable, explain:
(Type of discharge does not preclude you from consideration for the position applied)
If claiming Military Family Preference, please explain relationship to the Servicemember or Veteran: _______________
The NMVIC gives preference to Veterans and/or immediate family members which includes domestic partner, spouse
or widow of a Veteran; OR immediate family member caregiver of a Veteran with proof of status
Please list two (2) professional and (1) personal reference.
Referral Source
How did you hear about this position? FACEBOOK LinkedIN NM Workforce Connection
NMVIC Website Center for Nonprofit Excellence Other: __________
If the referral is an employee of the NMVIC, please list their name: _____________________________________
Disclaimer and Signature
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to my employment,
I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my immediate termination.
By signing this application, I authorize the NMVIC, and its employees, to investigate all statements and information
contained herein relating to my background, experience and any other information in this application that will enable the
NMVIC to make a determination of my application for employment with the NMVIC.
I hereby release the NMVIC, and its employees, from liability for any damage that may result from utilization of such
information, and understand that the NMVIC will retain my information for a period of up to two (2) years even if I am not
hired for the position for which I am applying for with this application In Accordance With NMVIC Confidentiality and PII
policy and procedures.
I further understand and agree that this application in no way constitutes any offer of employment, agreement or
contract with the NMVIC, and that no representative of the NMVIC is authorized to make an offer of employment unless
specifically made in writing by an authorized representative of the company.
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