Employer's Report
of Injury or Illness (Form 7)
Claim Number
Please PRINT in black ink
Social Insurance Number
Worker Name
C. Accident/Illness Dates and Details (Continued)
Specify where (shop floor, warehouse, client/customer site, parking lot, etc..).
7. Did the accident/illness happen on the employer's
premises (owned, leased or maintained)?
yes no
If yes, where (city, province/state, country).
8. Did the accident/illness happen outside the Province
of Ontario?
yes no
If yes, provide name(s), position(s), and work phone number(s).
9. Are you aware of any witnesses or other employees
involved in this accident/illness?
yes no
If yes, please provide name and work phone number
10. Was any individual, who does not work for your firm,
partially or totally responsible for this
yes no
If yes, please explain
11. Are you aware of any prior similar or related problem,
injury or condition?
yes no
12. If you have concerns about this claim, attach a written submission to this form.
submission attached
D. Health Care
dd yy dd yy
mm mm
2. When did the employer learn that the worker
received health care?
1. Did the worker receive health care for this injury?
yes no If yes, when :
3. Where was the worker treated for this injury? (Please check all that apply)
On-site health care Ambulance Emergency department Admitted to hospital Health professional office Clinic
Name, address and phone number of health professional or facility who treated this worker (if known).
E. Lost Time - No Lost Time
1. Please choose one of the following indicators. After the day of accident/awareness of illness, this worker:
Returned to his/her regular job and has not lost any time and/or earnings. (Complete sections G and J).
Returned to modified work and has not lost any time and/or earnings. (Complete sections F, G, and J).
Has lost time and/or earnings. (Complete ALL remaining sections).
dd yy dd yy
mm mm
regular work
Provide date worker first lost time Date worker returned to work (if known)
modified work
2. This Lost Time - No Lost Time - Modified Work information was confirmed by:
Telephone Ext.
F. Return To Work
2. Has modified work been
discussed with this worker?
3. Has modified work been
offered to this worker?
If yes, was it
1. Have you been provided with work
limitations for this worker's injury?
If Declined please attach a copy of
the written offer given to the worker.
yes no yes no yes no
4. Who is responsible for arranging worker's return to work
Telephone Ext.
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0007A (01/20)