Employee Waiver Form
(Application and Certification for Exemption from Payment of Tuition and Fees)
Name of Student: _______________________________________________
Student ID or
Social Security Number: ________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________
Attending: ____________________________________ Community College
Certificate of Employee
Employee Name: ________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________
Type of Waiver (check one) Semester Year
Employee: _________ Fall __________
Spouse: _________ Spring __________
Dependent Child _________ Other __________
This is to certify that the information submitted on this application is complete and accurate. If
the waiver application is for a spouse or dependent child, I hereby attest that the above named
student is my spouse or dependent child.
__________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Employee Date
Certificate of Employer
This is to certify that the above named employee is employed by the Board of Trustees of
Community Colleges/Northwestern Connecticut Community College, and is eligible to receive a
waiver of tuition and fees, as requested in this application, pursuant to Board policy and/or
pursuant to an applicable collective bargaining agreement.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Name: Date
Note: The Board reserves the right to require submission of tax returns to substantiate claimed
spousal or dependent child status. False reporting may be cause for disciplinary action.