Employee Telecommuting Request and Work Plan
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Describe how routine work-related communication (email, telephone, voice mail, meetings, etc.) will be
lease describe any other special work-related task or duties that may need to be considered during the
telecommuting period.
roposed work schedule:
Sunday ______________________ Thursday ______________________
Monday ______________________ Friday ______________________
Tuesday ______________________ Saturday ______________________
Wednesday ______________________
Employee and Manager should discuss expectations of maintaining the security of work-related materials
including documents saved on a computer or taken off-site and safe destruction of confidential work-
related documents.
Employee Responsibilities:
• Establish a space conducive to productive work and maintain safe work conditions.
• Maintain accurate time reporting (including entering work time, vacation time, and sick time).
• Obtain prior management approval for overtime.
• Maintain asset, data and information security. This includes, but is not limited to, operating
systems, antivirus/antispyware protection, and secured network access.
• An employee whose position requires access to electronic files or business applications is expected
to personally provide internet service. To enable maximum productivity, a persistent broadband
internet connection is required for all telecommuters. Lack of high-speed internet service could
adversely impact an employee’s productivity making the ability to telework unlikely.
• Business visits or meetings shall not be held at the alternative work site without approval of
employees’ manager.
• Telecommuting work must be conducted only at pre-approved work site, and never during transit
to or from the telecommuting work site.
• Do not permit other persons to utilize the work space during business hours. The employee is liable
for any injuries sustained by visitors to their work site.
• Comply with all safety policies and procedures, including immediately reporting injuries sustained
during working hours to your supervisor.
• Employee is responsible for insuring all equipment, not owned by Millsaps College, used for
telecommuting. The College will not be responsible for operating costs, home maintenance,